Georgy Catoire is perhaps not a familiar name if we think of classical composers…however he wrote some very beautiful music which is still performed by concert pianists and symphony orchestras today. Born in Russia in 1861 to parents of French heritage, he studied piano in Berlin but graduated as an honours student in Mathematics from Moscow University…first working in his father’s commercial business after graduating, and only deciding a few years later to become a full time musician and composer. This piano prelude is taken from his composition Cinq Morceau op 10 and is being performed in Hilversum, Netherlands by Shane van Neerden.
Lovely piece
nice listening to with my morning tea. I'm outside watching my birds and they seem to like the music too.
Sounds really lovely where you are! It’s nice & sunny here, but a bit on the chilly side.
@Marionville It really is the ideal place to live here. Mostly sunshine every day, very little rain, and the Temps are perfect. Right now it is 60 degrees and supposed to get up to 85 today. We have no humidity so it's quite pleasant.
@Redheadedgammy Sounds wonderful….
@Redheadedgammy +1C this morning, +10 C later (33F and 50F). Light snow last night but gone now. I'd hate 85F. Possibly drizzle.
@Redheadedgammy Too hot for my comfort level, no humidity or not. 70-72 is about my tops.
@Lilac-JadeCanada I have a feeling if you were to come here, and sit outside under the shade of my big Cedar tree while enjoying the nice breeze, you would see how pleasant 80 degrees can be here.
I have been surprised at how comfortable Temps in the 80's are here in New Mexico. Having almost zero humidity makes a big difference.
@Redheadedgammy Yes…it’s the humidity factor that makes high temperatures unbearable.
@Redheadedgammy I already live in a low humidity area, & I still hate the heat.
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