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French composer and pioneer of electronic music Jean-Michel Jarre, son of veteran composer of cinema music Maurice Jarre, was probably genetically predestined to follow in his father’s footsteps making great music. He has certainly made his name as a trailblazer in the development and popularisation of electronic music. Here he performs Oxygene live, to a reported crowd of 3.5 million in Moscow in 1997, it was part of the celebrations for the 850th birthday of the founding of the city in 1147…

Marionville 10 May 6
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I have played this on stage much to the delight of Quebecois friends. I love Jarre's music!

Yes….I remembered that you did!


Had this album on LP, he was a real trailblazer

Yes…of course he was.


I like a lot of this type of music.

Yes…I do too.


If that was great I'd hate to hear his worst.

Luckily for him most other people don’t have your same poor opinion of his music…he sold 18 million copies of Oxygene and has to date total record sales of around 70 million, making him one of the most successful music artists in the world….

This is his worst!

@rogerbenham Poor Richard is very much in the minority in the appreciation stakes I’m afraid. Two cloth ears as the old expression goes!

@Marionville Well he has an intimacy with ancient folk music Although I love folk music I'm really preferring renditions since 1960. no love for Peggy Seeger and McColl.

@Marionville I am not responsible for people decisions... Just as the one eyed man in the land of the blind has great recognition then the mediocre composer in the land of the tone deaf will be applauded.

@rogerbenham how much is your aversion to Seeger & McColl influenced by your purported upper class upbringing and the indoctrination that you received through it?
I find it interesting that you obviously applaud the work of Stan Rogers a man who wrote some songs in similar vein to McColl & Seeger but in the main wrote on non contentious matters whereas McColl & Seeger particularly with their radio ballads, together with Charles Parker, created a new form of presentation that is still used around the world.

@rogerbenham, @Marionville Oxygene in comparison to Tubular Bells?

@FrayedBear They’re not in competition with each other in any way…it’s not a case of loving one and hating the other.. Most people can see the merit in both .

@FrayedBear Seeger & McColl: I simply do not enjoy their voices. M wrote my answer. I got bored of Tubular Bells a long time ago.

@rogerbenham Rumour had it that every time branston was facing bankruptcy Virgin issued another pressing of Bells.
Do you equally bore of Beethoven 's 9th.?

@Marionville I know that they're not in competion - Oxygene doesnt desrve being in the same sentence.

@FrayedBear That’s purely your opinion Richard, and not one that’s shared by the majority of people. Don’t keep pressing on this issue…you are entitled to your views…but not to keep on persisting like you tend to do. I suggest you’ve said your piece …so now you should give it a rest!

@Marionville I'm well aware that it's my opinion. I'm also aware that you are trying to belittle me for having an opinion contrary to yours.

@FrayedBear Richard, you at times are very similar to my dog and its stick.
I choose Jarre over Tubular every day. But I'll take the intro bars of Shine On you Crazy Diamond over both always. Come on, lets just have our own choices. 0 to 3.40

@FrayedBear No I’m not…please desist from telling me what I’m trying to do. I’ve no wish to belittle you..and frankly I’ve better things to do with my time out here in the real word where I actually can and do have real friends to interact with, where we can agree to disagree with each other without them accusing me of belittling them. I suggest you go and get a get a life too Richard, and get that chip off your shoulder while your at it…

@rogerbenham @Marionville isn't that what I've stated from the off Roger - that I have my opinion & you yours. Telling me that 17 million disagree with is simply trying to disallow me my opinion or belittle me which is what frequently occurs on this platform as evidenced by some 1500 who supported my food group until 2 years ago when I pointed out elsewhere that Russia was not invading Ukraine but defending fellow ethnics subject to Ukrainian perpetrated genocide caused by USA\CIA interference in the government of Ukraine resulting in anti Russian fascists being empowered.

@FrayedBear Help! I told you 17 milion I never would say such a thing.disagree with you? Of course we have differing opinions.
Interesting perspective on Ukraine. To my mind, Russia was goaded into it by NATO. NATO feeds on perpetual war, which makes wealthy US shareholders masses of un-needed money. Ukraine was a mixture of proRussian peoples, neo nazis, presumably with a huge chunk of peaceful citizens. I do not think that the Russians care how many people get killed and unless Putin is silly and attacks NATO, I think eventually Russia will win because the world gets bored of Ukraine.
I am appalled that the world allows the gradual massacre of Palestine.

@rogerbenham sorry roger that should have neen directed at Marge - the gremlins at work.

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