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Today, 17th May is Norway’s National Day…a universal holiday in the Land of the Midnight Sun. I thought in honour of it I’d post this piece of music by Edvard Grieg…In The Hall Of The Mountain King which was written as incidental music for Henrik Ibsen’s play Peer Gynt. To accompany it some majestic Norwegian scenery 🇳🇴….

Marionville 10 May 17
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Enjoyed it,very nice

richiegtt Level 8 May 17, 2024


I’m visiting the Western Isles of Scotland and the Norwegian fjords by cruise ship next month.

@Marionville How exciting!

@Lilac-JadeCanada Yes…I embark in Belfast so there’s no having to fly anywhere first which is we why booked it. I’m going with a friend who volunteers with me at the Food Bank…should be fun.

@Marionville Sounds great!


I love this piece of music. I seem to always here it as background music for different things in movies or videos that are a surprise. 😉


Nice photos. Interesting music. Slightly reminds me of Peter and the Wolf.

Well it was written a long time before Prokofiev wrote Peter and the Wolf in 1936. Grieg wrote it in 1875…

@Marionville I'm glad I now know a Norwegian composer. 😘

@Redheadedgammy What about Pal & Magne? You already know them! 😘😁

@Marionville Well yes of course, I was meaning a composer of classical music. Pal, Magne and Morten are great as well, just with more modern music. 😘

@Redheadedgammy I’m teasing you! 😅🤣

@Marionville 😘

@Redheadedgammy Try Edvard Grieg also from Norway and add Sibelius from Finland or Carl Nielsen from Denmark. M will play you some. It is more her music than mine.

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