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The Bonnie Banks O’ Loch Lomond, or just the shortened name of “Loch Lomond” is a traditional Scottish Folksong dating from the early 18th century, a Jacobite adaptation of an earlier erotic love song titled “The Bonniest Lass In A’ The World”. The Jacobite version is the one we know today, the lover dying for his King and political cause and only able to return to his beloved sweetheart (and Scotland) by taking “the low road” home, meaning death by the hangman’s noose.
Over the years there have been many versions and recordings made, even by such eminent classical musicians such as Ralph Vaughan Williams and tenor Ian Partridge…but they essentially anglicised it and changed it from what it is at its core…a Scottish folksong, which in my opinion is better left to be sung in the Scots’ vernacular by a Scottish folk group such as The Corries…

….although I must admit I do love this other rousing, rockier Scottish version from Runrig, recorded live in concert at Balloch on Loch Lomond, with full audience participation!
Marionville 10 Oct 19
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We sang this in school, but never learned what it meant. Just singing it by rote.

It would’ve been nice if they’d gone into the history of the song.

@Marionville Yes, but we got none of that in elementary school....just learned words to sing in music class.


Runrig sound like initially like a military pipe band. And their singing reminds me of McKellar, rather too BBC. I have heard far more folky versions and much prefer them.

Yes…so do I …that’s why I posted the Corries folk version first. However I do also quite enjoy the folk rock version by Runrig too.


An excellent observation Marge that IMO also applies to English folk songs sung by opera singers rather than musically imperfect accented talented folkies with passion.
I prefer the Corrie's version above of the two & probably also over Kathleen Ferrier's version in my response to Roger on "Traditional and Folkmusic" recently.

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 19, 2024

Yes…The Corries one is more authentic.

@Marionville but Kathleen also had passion. Runrig just show off gimmick.

@FrayedBear I said I liked Kathleen’s version…what more do you want!

@Marionville lol, I'm still defending my liking of Kathleen whilst not giving you an inch - only ½ of one. 😉

@FrayedBear Don’t push your luck!! 😉

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