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My Dad was born in Argentina an lived there until he was 29 years old, he was a gaucho ... and he played and sang this tango often; a favorite of mine. To my mind, no-one sings it better than Julio Iglesias and i get nostalgic whenever i hear it. Adios, Pampa Mia! I like this specific video because it shows glimpses of the Argentine pampas

dede18 8 Sep 2
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That's a really good version of the song! I am used to Francisco Canaro's rendition, myself. Have you ever tried Argentine tango?


delicious! thanks for sharing the voice like a cuba libre 😉


Wow, imagine your dad being a Gaucho! Do you go back to Argentina to visit family? I like this very much...I already liked Julio anyway. My son and daughter in law went to South America on their honeymoon and visited Argentina along with several other countries. They had tango lessons in Buenos Aires.

@dede1 Did you know there is quite a sizeable Welsh speaking community in Chabut. They are descents from a group of Welsh settlers who founded a settlement there in 1865, I remember seeing a documentary about them. You have a very interesting heritage.


I had never heard this one. It is beautiful. Love the drums. I don't know what that one instrument that is being used is. Looks like typewriter keys.

gigihein Level 8 Sep 2, 2018

@dede18 Oh ok. I think the ones I have seen are more like a keyboard, than round keys, but that makes sense. I didn't see the accordian part of it. I really like this song.

It's called a bandoneon in Argentina. They are mostly made in Germany and derived from, yes, the concertina, which was used as sort of a portable church organ in the small churches in the countryside. Concertinas are smaller and have fewer keys. The bandoneon gives Argentine tango music a really unique sound.

@MPendergraft Thanks for the history behind it.

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