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The chocolate voice. myummm.

walklightly 8 Oct 6
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Nice; almost sounds Brazilian.

Condor5 Level 8 Oct 7, 2018

Immortalised on the Cape Verde $2000 banknote.

treasure trove of treasure island - amazing!

I have been to Cape is just emerging as a tourist destination. Went there for Christmas with my son a few years ago. Interesting place....not much infrastructure, but I imagine it will be developed along the same lines as the Canary Islands, which were only developed to the degree they are today in the last fifty years.

@Marionville, & of the canary islands i've always preferred la gomera, the only one without an airport (yet?). but we have to expect much more infrastructural development everywhere, with the world population blowing out of proportion at the rate it does.

@walklightly Yes...there isn’t enough emphasis on birth control, and all the religions seem to be trying to outbreed each other!

@Marionville How else can they survive and ultimately impose their belief?

@FrayedBear Yes the Catholic Church is in decline in the West but has renewed its efforts in the developing world. Telling their adherents that they can’t use birth control especially condoms is criminal in my opinion. AIDS and HIV is a real problem in Africa because of this stance by the Church...not to mention women elsewhere in places like The Philippines bearing dozens of children in abject poverty. The Moslem faith likewise.

@Marionville I'm coming round to my mother's point of view before she died "I'm glad that I have not long in this world".

@FrayedBear oh for goodness sake! I’m sure I am many years older than you but never feel that way. My mother lived until 92 and I am determined to outlive her ! I want be be around to see my two gorgeous grandsons grow into men.

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