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Argentina's Alberto Cortez and Facundo Cabral singing live... "Cuando un Amigo se Va"... "When a Friend Goes Away"


GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Feb 3
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English version of Cuando un Amigo se Va.

When a friend goes away

When a friend goes away
an empty space remains
that cannot be filled by
the arrival of another friend.

When a friend goes away,
a burning ember remains
that it is not possible to extinguish
even with the waters of a river.

When a friend goes away,
a star has got lost,
the one that illuminates the place
where there is a sleeping child.

When a friend goes away
the ways stop
and it begins rebelling,
the meek poltergeist of the wine.

When a friend goes away
galloping his destination,
the soul begins to vibrate
because it is filled with cold.

When a friend goes away,
an uncultivated area remains
that the time wants to fill
with the stones of the tedium.

When a friend goes away,
a fallen tree remains
that does not sprout again
because the wind has conquered it.

When a friend goes away
an empty space remains
that cannot be filled by
the arrival of another friend.

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