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aaahhh, with the mention of Ladysmith Black Mambazo, and the group’s collaboration with Paul Simon on his worldwide hit album Graceland, that music is in my head. It’s a unique rhythm (have read a technical description, but forgot) and known as Township Jive ... uniquely South African and as that was my homeland, when I hear that rhythm it grabs and transports me. It is also very joyous and invigorating and no one can resist the temptation to move, or sway, to it ...
In this short video Paul Simon shares how he had heard some S.African music which intrigued him, how he went to S.Africa to explore, stayed 10 or 12 days wildly inspired, writing and playing with local musicians ... he describes the opportunity as ‘a gift’ that he received ... watch him talk about the story of the album “Graceland”.

dede18 8 Feb 11
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Oh yes. I remember playing this album time after time. It still makes me tingle. Thanks for the reminder dede18

Red_Cat Level 7 Feb 14, 2020

The music had spoken to Simon...he was compelled to go to South Africa and immerse himself in it. It is more than music it’s an expression of a whole African culture. I love his Graceland album, the music is so joyous and exuberant...his collaboration with the local musicians in S, Africa inspired in him something special. Thanks Dede for posting this!


I remember this number!

Merseyman1 Level 9 Feb 11, 2020

Oh that was lovely to watch. So much joy! Actually I followed Paul Simon very little. I did not realise Dede the RSA was your homeland. I was there for 6 months and soon found Zulu radio filled with 1969 Blues in the same raw truth of the USA 1920's blues. I loved it. I did go to a Zulu show but realised it was all for the tourists like what I saw on the Cape Town Durban bus tour. The Bantu village with topless women. Well at least that made me realise that if all women were topless there would not be so much male obsession with breasts. But of course we were not shown the horrors of the townships. Meeting some Africaanse really put me off their society and I disliked what I saw in Pretoria.


And what a gift to have shared and be accepted by so many!

FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 11, 2020

Here Here!

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