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Macam - Macam Malaysia . The three young singers are from the three ethic identities in Malaysia and sing a verse each in Malay, Chinese and Tamil. It’s a song about unity,

I know that this will not be to everyone’s taste...I don’t normally post rap music, but I liked this because it demonstrates modern Malaysia, a country which my husband Peter and I intended to retire to, had his untimely death not ended that notion. We travelled extensively in Asia, and Singapore and Malaysia were our favourites, and where the three different ethnicities, Malay, Chinese and Indian seem to live in harmony with each other, none dominating the others. It’s majority is Malay and they are Muslim, but they practice a gentler, more tolerant Islam and the women wear the most beautiful coloured dresses with or without matching headscarfs. We found no animosity towards foreigners, and in fact the Malaysian Government have a scheme to attract foreign retirees called Make Malaysia Your Second Home or MM2H, which gives generous tax breaks to those who decide to move there.

Marionville 10 Feb 16
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Interestingly I suggested that Australia do similar back in the early 1990's. Xenophobic Australia laughed at my suggestion.

FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 16, 2020

What is their current immigration policy?

@Marionville I haven't a clue - just don't come by boat from Indonesia wearing Musliim costume without a valid visa.


Well I get a prize for listening to it all but the scenery was interesting. Way too many people for my comfort. Very modern wealth displayed.

It’s a very interesting country...that was Kuala Lumpur, the capital. They are not really a poor country, lots of wealth there.

@Marionville Very evident wealth.

@rogerbenham They have a well educated (based on the British education system), highly technical population, and manufacture hi tech goods, electronics, cars etc., as well as having mineral wealth in oil & tin and rubber & teak, all which are big earners for export. They are the second biggest producers of palm oil, after Indonesia, as well as still having coffee & tea plantations in the Cameron Highlands. They have a very good network of motorways and roads, drive on the left like the Brits and all road signs, like most of the population, are dual language, Malay and English.

@Marionville A lot has changed in the world during our lifetimes. There is evident wealth in what were the poorest countries. The poverty in all countries mostly is hidden although it is often just across the strret.

@rogerbenham The hardest place to be poor is in a wealthy country.

@Marionville Absolutly. Canada being maybe the worst. But social services here are wonderful .... if you are sane and obey the rules.

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