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Being the Oldest Colony in the Known Universe... Protest Songs in Puerto Rico continue Banging our Heads and Ripping our Hearts as if it were the 60's in a Radical College during the Vietnam War. And One of the Greatest Protest Songs ever... just by the Tittle and the Message. Born as a Poem by one of the Greatest Minds in Puerto Rico Colonial History Juan Antonio Corretjer. Turned into a Song by Protest Singer: Roy Brown. Tittle: Borincano en la Luna, Puerto Rican in the Moon... in other words "I will be Puerto Rican even if I was Born in the Moon". First Roy Brown and Fiel a la Vega with as introduction the Author doing a Speech, Then Fiel a la Vega Live.

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Mar 5
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Very inspiring!

It is... being a GYPSY last 40 years... My Buddies Remind Me HOW MUCH I MISSED IN THE ISLAND... All I can talk about is WOMEN OF THE WORLD IN MY BED... "So Shallow and yet so Horny You since Middle School" ...a Female Friend reminded me. So I asked her Did you had a crush for me in middle school and she said Nope... In High School but it was not really you it was that Big, Pretty Afro you were always picking and combing, Not You, The Afro. DARN!!!!


Puertorican on the moon

From the waves of the sea
kisses reach it's strand,
a woman form Aguadilla
came to New York to sing,
but just only to weep
countless tears and die.
I was born from these tears
like a beast in the falling rain
and lived with the deferred hope
to get back what was lost

With a sky that was getting
more uglier the more she was flying,
she was approaching to New York
a drudge from Las Marias,
with a hope that was speaking
about the distant day of return,
but before that she gave birth to me.
and absorbed by labour
she was left without a homecoming
passing away in a workshop.

And so I'm the son of a tear,
and I'm the son of sweat,
and my grandfather was the only
loved one in my joy
of an always fixed memory
at some window pane of lament,
like chimera in the song
of a dreamt Puerto Rico
and I'm a Puertorican with nothing,
but with no regrets.

And to the arrogant who scorn at me,
who're strutting like peacocks,
it won't be very far down the road
when they'll pay for the insult
'cause as someone tells me
they say that the moon is one
be it in the sea or be it on the mountain
and so I'm yelling to the villain:
I'd be borincano
although born on the moon


Boricua en la luna (Letra/Lyrics)

Desde las ondas del mar,
son besos a su orilla,
una muijer de Aguadilla vino a New York a cantar.
Pero no solo a llorar,
un largo llanto y morir,
de ese llanto yo nací.
Como en la lluvia una fiera,
y vivo en la larga espera,
de cobrar lo que perdí.
Con un cielo que se hacía,
más feo mas mas volaba,
a Nueva York se acercaba un peón de Las Marías.
Con la esperanza decía,
de un largo día volver,
pero antes me hizo nacer.
Y de tanto trabajar se quedó sin regresar,
reventó en un taller.
Y de una lágrima soy hijo,
y soy hijo del sudor,
y fue mi abuelo el amor único en mi regocijo,
del recuerdo siempre fijo,
en aquel cristal de llanto,
como quimera en el canto,
de un Puerto Rico de ensueño
y yo soy puertorriqueño sin na', pero sin quebranto.
Y al echón que me desmienta,
que se ande muy derecho,
no sea en lo mas estrecho de un zaguán,
pague la afrenta,
pues según alguien me cuenta,
dicen que la luna es una
sea del mar o sea montuna,
y asi le grito al villano
yo seria borincano aunque naciera en la luna
y asi le grito al villano
yo seria borincano aunque naciera en la luna.

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