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Have you ever made a change to your environment that made a noticeable improvement to your sense of happiness or well being?

silvereyes 8 Feb 12
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Removal of husbands!!! Incredible!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Feb 12, 2018

that was my first thought, divorce greatly improved my mindset.

mine too and my bank balance.


I moved out of a bad living situation recently. I'm much happier now.


Yep. Every time I've left a bad relationship. And not just the romantic ones, either.

KKGator Level 9 Feb 12, 2018

I painted my bedroom, I did ombre on one wall, shades of pink. I've never had a really pink bedroom before. I love it, of course if there were ever a man in my life I might go more neutral. Possibly. For now I love it, It is very me.

Is all about you... way to go, it is very you. That's what matters... for now.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Paint is not terribly expensive and not an overwhelming project. Now doing the ombre was a pain in the ass, but I wanted to try it. I painted most of the rooms in my house. I hired my son in law to do the rooms where extensive ladder work was needed. I will go up the step ladder, but when it gets to extension ladders, not so much.

@HippieChick58 You go Girl!!! Being Happy is very important.


I grow a garden every year. Pretty soon I'll germinate my seedlings indoors and set them out after the last frost. That's just good therapy!

@silvereyes I suggest planting a small cherry tomato or bush squash indoors and go from there. Those are fairly easy. I can advise how to do it if you're interested. It'll work best in a South facing window.

I love, love, love vine ripened tomatoes. I have small raised beds in my back yard. I grow too many tomatoes! Fresh off the vine, they taste like sunshine!

@HippieChick58 I love a raised bed garden. I also so that. And containers. And in the ground.

@silvereyes You can use grow lights to supplement the lack of natural light.

@astrochuck I use a regular T-5 until right before the budding stage and then switch to red or go into the greenhouse that's sheathed with row cover to let it begin to acclimate. That's what I generally do but I'm sure a whole lot of people do it differently with even better results than I get.


My house was a suburban "greige" color. Painted it blue with white trim. Didn't get it approved by the HOA either. Stuck it to the Man that day for sure.

TrailRider Level 7 Feb 12, 2018

I moved to a little apartment on a lake after downsizing. What a beautiful shift in energy.

poetdi56 Level 7 Feb 12, 2018

Yes I learnt how to say NO


Yes. I removed the toxic person from it. Quality of life = restored.

A2Jennifer Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

when i add snoring everything is peaceful.

hankster Level 9 Feb 12, 2018

I retired from the Navy and moved to Texas. I’m not sure it was for the better.

Gatovicolo Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

Retirement possibly, depending on how you liked the Navy. Thank you for your service. Moving to Texas....? Texas has some good points..... and not so good.

That was 9 years ago. @HippieChick58


Yes-@silvereyes-changed my environment 2 weeks ago-vacation of sorts lol

on vacation with fellow site member-lol

still here

@sassygirl3869 it’s been a while, I remember wishing you luck. Nothing like a spontaneous adventure 🙂

Spontaneous is my middle name lol.


Yea! I hate cleaning but a clean house improves my mood immensely. Also I got myself a job working on the beach about a year ago. I've discovered that spending most of my day outside is a huge game changer.


Last year we covered many of our walls with photo murals, those rooms feel great now

Rugglesby Level 8 Feb 13, 2018

Moving to Lopez (which wasn't my idea). It has made a huge difference in my finances (Seattle has become unaffordable for many), my self-sufficiency, independence (even when I was with a partner), my awe for nature and my community involvement and general satisfaction with life!

JackPedigo Level 9 Feb 12, 2018

Yes, but my lawyer says I shouldn't discuss it in public.

Druvius Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

It’s only been about a week for me, but I feel drastically happier living alone. I fixed some lights, set up my stereo system, baby proofed and decluttered this last weekend. It’s awsome to live in a clean apartment and know it won’t be trashed when you get back. I get to use the furniture that I was forced to put into storage, and can remove the bad decorations my ex put up. I have a few more projects to remove my ex’s poor taste, but it’s almost all mine. I’m amazed how much space there is without all her cosmetics, and the bathroom no longer seems to grow a rug on the linoleum.

@silvereyes I’m hardly OCD, but it was never clean! I gave up when I realized it did not matter how much I cleaned, she would always destroy the place. I can live a little messy during the week, still taking care of things as I go, but the weekend rolls around and it’s big clean time and meal prep.

Kudos to you for keeping a clean house with a kid. My two dudes are mess generators. The house is only ever clean when they go to their dad's.

@Blindbird I only have him half the time, and it’s only been a week so far, so I can’t take credit just yet.

@Funandfondles the only advice I have is to make cleaning up a habit and fun for him. You'll save yourself a lot of drudgery.


I bought a pair of Himalayan Salt Lamps, I put one in the living room and one in the bedroom. I do feel a bit calmer and notice I do sleep better. They are supposed to help with a lot of different things, plus they are just nice to look at.

I have a salt lamp in my bedroom. Also Sanseveria plants are good for the bedroom, they clean the air and release oxygen at night. Also Spider plants. The plants work best if you don't have cats...

Love those! My sister got me one and it's great.

@silvereyes yes, they thrive on neglect.


Thanks to Trader Joe's and their awesome prices, I now make it a habit to buy potted flowering plants during the winter. I especially love hyacinths and their scent. I think it dramatically makes me feel less grey no matter what's going on outside.

chicagojcb Level 7 Feb 12, 2018

I love plants! I used to have lots and an elderly blind cat. Now I have two cats less than 2.5 years old. Many fewer plants 😟 but I love my active funny kitties.

@silvereyes I have lots of plants in general -- coupla dozen pots that are outside in summer and all over the house in winter. What I'm talking about is buying dafodils, tulips and (especially) hyacinths, in bloom. I also force paperwhites. But I love the scent of hyacinth much more.

@silvereyes Allll the time! They love to eat the Spider Plants which is not good for their tummies. They will dig dirt out of the pots as their tiny little brains tell them too. They will knock plants and everything else off shelves or table tops chasing each other. Hanging plants are tempting to see if they can reach them. It there is a breeze and makes the leaves sway they will be right there to attack. Cats have amazing fantasy lives. I keep the doors to the bedrooms shut to keep the kitties away from the few plants I have left.

@HippieChick58 same reason I can never keep flowers in the house ... but I'd rather have the cats anyway !

@evergreen the cats make me laugh. The plants are nice and I love having them, but the cats give me more pleasure. They cuddle better than the plants ever did.


I once had a client that was unreasonably demanding and my wife saw how stressed-out I was and introduced me to the concept of firing a troublesome client. For some reason it had never occurred to me that I had the right to say this isn't working for me, you need to find someone else to work with. I followed her advice and it was one of the best business decisions I ever made.

My wife had also applied this principle to extended family. She comes from a lot of dysfunction and was always the person trying to hold everything together. One day she realized no one gave a fig about this but her, so why was she doing it? It's been nice just watching the stress / anxiety bleed out of her after she made this decision.

mordant Level 8 Feb 13, 2018

I am very much affected by my environment. The location, how it feels and it's aesthetic appeal.

Livinlife Level 9 Mar 4, 2018

Yes - moving myself away from bitter winters , towards warmth and abundant wildlife !

evergreen Level 8 Feb 13, 2018

it was my working environment and i took my boss to a tribunal, but the result was 'case not proven', what made it happy was that I got compensation and hightailed it out of there - I did actually see him again as a few years later , I was invited to his new place of work (by his college) to do a creative expressive therapy group - It was great ignoring him, and even greater that our group got on well together and laughed and cried a lot - something he could never manage, revenge is sweet!

jacpod Level 8 Feb 13, 2018

6 pack of beer and a joint can have the desired effect especially on a sunny day


I second Kkgator. Leaving bad relationships behind...whether romantic, friend, or family. Another thing that makes a noticeable improvement to my happiness and well being is de-clutering. Having an open feel in every room makes me feel good. Feeding wild birds....and just doing things that my children and I like with our living spaces. Like lining the living room walls with alphabet flowers, bird numbers, making love bugs and attaching them to our bathrooms many things. Aquascaping my fish tanks. Gardening for sure. I used to run a community garden, and loved it.

SumaqSipas Level 3 Feb 12, 2018
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