Have you ever used affirmations?
I've read conflicting opinions on this. So, I'm wondering what your impression of self-affirmations is-- if you use them-- and how effective you think they are.
Not as such I was in another life a lecturer in person centred counsellling and we covered all these different therapies as well, As far as I know it can do no harm; the original affirmation was "every day in every way I am getting better and better!" And you can make up your own and they are supposed to be unconditional and the most powerful you can get ; so even though you may not believe it saying it regularly can get you into that frame of mind i suppose its a bit like taking a deep breath and thinking "yes I can do this!
I've read a lot on it, and wanted to try it--but i could never bring myself to do it because I just can't seem to get over this hump of thinking it's hooey...
Not pre-packaged affirmations. ...I affirm Atheists here with my own words
Depending on your intentions, self affirmations can be just as helpful as they can be detrimental.
I would like to say I don't mind my current opinion to be challenged or changed. but that's not to say I am not a victim of my own desire to remain where I am in my head space. we're all guilty of it for one reason or another, even if we are not aware of it.
I would like to add to this so you can better understand - or at least think about - how you and others allow their own conclusions to be more important than allowing a different opinion to take over. this counts towards a list of things which just doesn't seem to end, most obvious ones people cling to would be; music choices, food, drinks, health concerns or lack thereof, the need for vehicles to run on petrol (gasoline), smoking, hygiene, tidiness, aspirations and religion or lack of religion.
that is just a tiny list of things people are often really strict about changing and I am guilty of a couple of the ones I mentioned. the only solution is to recognise your own strict selection of ideas, be open to discussing why you think that way and why you're not in favour of changing.
it's not a bad thing, it's just standards people have and aren't willing to change because it is, to them, it is very threatening to who they are. I feel very strongly about my musical convictions, I can't bring myself to let hip hop into my life, it's everything I don't like about bad music rolled into a genre which seems to be universally loved in spite of what has come before. that's my opinion, I'm clearly wrong because there are way too many people on the other side to where I am.
we all do it. the only solution is to admit that's something you aren't willing to change and don't let other people bother you with their take on it.
here, I'm assuming "self affirmation" to be a thing where someone who constantly reminds themselves what it is they don't like about something they see as different. if I started listening to hip hop, I honestly am afraid my identity will fade and I'll regret my past connections to what I loved. there are people who seem to be "healthy" and they too will feel like they will not be who they are if suddenly they lived on KFC and McDonalds, to them remaining as they are is the better choice. I could go on, but if you can think of a thing someone identifies with or if you can think of someone who personifies a thing, would they be comfortable leaving it behind and changing who they are because of what they do and or like? I say yes, we're all guilty of it, some are harmed more than others, kind of like me with my smoking. I don't excuse it as addiction, I just like smoking when I can afford it, same goes for pigging out on KFC for a weekend like a horse with a bucket strapped to its face. it's not good for me, but I wouldn't give it up, I like it too much now.
is there anything about yourself you think has helped shaped who you are, something which, if swapped out for something else, would be a threat to who you want to be? it could be your love / hate for animals too. the things which make up who you are, are what make you unique, is it worth conforming to a better ideal if it changes who you are?
if I'm way off the mark on what you mean, sorry.
I’m still working on reducing my self deprecating sene of my own person.
Posted by HippieChick58Regardless of what you think of Oprah, she has staying power. Not necessarily slimming power. Do you remember when she was slim?
Posted by HippieChick58Regardless of what you think of Oprah, she has staying power. Not necessarily slimming power. Do you remember when she was slim?
Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.
Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.
Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.
Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.
Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.
Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.
Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.
Posted by HippieChick58This is why I try to avoid prescription medications.
Posted by HippieChick58Yoga philosophy
Posted by HippieChick58I eat butter, never margarine.
Posted by walklightlyAt the annual mardigras in nimbin. natural food, healing & equality for all!
Posted by walklightlyAt the annual mardigras in nimbin. natural food, healing & equality for all!
Posted by walklightlyAt the annual mardigras in nimbin. natural food, healing & equality for all!
Posted by walklightlyAt the annual mardigras in nimbin. natural food, healing & equality for all!