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Well, I met the couple that found the owl. It's a great horned owl and it's in pretty rough shape. I took it right to the vet clinic and was fortunate to just catch the vet doing night rounds. The doc gave the owl a Capstar for maggots/hippoboscids, a steroid for trauma, and an antibiotic. If it survives 'til the morning I think it will have a fighting chance. If it doesn't survive, at least it will die in a warm, dry location rather than flattened on a rainy back road.

Insectra 8 Aug 14
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What's the update on the owl? Did it make it or still touch and go?

FrayedBear Level 9 Aug 18, 2018

@Insectra Poor thing

@Insectra Whenever i do a trip there is always at least one bird or animal dead on the road....not from my driving.

@Insectra With the size of the trucks it is often hard to distinguish fox, dog, dingo, wombat. And birds are often just a pile of feathers in strawberry jam.


I hope it makes it! Thanks for your efforts

Justjoni Level 8 Aug 15, 2018

oh, the poor little one! what happened to it? you are a wingless angel.


Just knowing that it is being cared for might help it survive. Thanks for being so good.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Aug 14, 2018

Poor thing! So glad you could bring it in.

I agree being warm and dry is way better than the alternative.

RavenCT Level 9 Aug 14, 2018
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