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Today i signed my life away to chemo. My surgery has been declared successful but my cancer is agressive so further treatment is needed. 20 weeks of chemo, possibly six weeks of radiation, then ten years of additiomal hormone blockers. Any survivors with advice?

confidentrealm 7 June 26
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Chemo and radiation survivor,but bone marrow transplant is what saved me with Acute Myloid Leukemia. Only vomited once or twice from chemo-they gave me plenty of nauseau meds. Request them - they make it more tolerable. My first chemo was for a month - in patient. I lost my hair twice-refused to shave my head-glad I didn't. Still had some. Having chemo in-patient made sense for me-I lived 1 1/2 hours away from hospital and following initial chemo had 2 more in-patient and last one right before transplant with staying in hotel for week paid by hospital. Some people have chemo out in the open with others - I always had a private room because it was easy for me to catch something. If cannabis is available, get on a medical cannabis program -great for nauseau even after chemo. Please pm me if you want to talk. You can survive chemo and radiation (I had one very strong dose).


Wow-I hope that's not as overwhelming as it sounds! Good luck! The American Cancer Society paid for my hotel room when I went to the cancer doctor last week. It was in a big city where you also have to pay the hotel for parking and they even paid for that!

Carin Level 8 July 7, 2019

Mine was about the same. 16 weeks of chemo, 4 weeks of radiation and 5 years on aromatase inhibitors. When they recently upped it to 10, I declined 🙂 I am cancer free 8 years later. Just do it!

The radiation is a pain, having to go every day, but the treatments are only about 5 min so no biggie. I don't remember any significant side effects from it. As far as the chemo goes, every case is different, every reaction is different, so I don't know what to tell you to expect. But in my case, it wasn't as bad as I anticipated.

I hope you were able to find some social services thru the ACS source I told you about.

I'm going to begin researching assistance as soon as I can at least online. My clinic will help me by providing a social worker. I have a list of resources from the American cancer society. And I'm going to reapply for ssi . One of my greatest concerns is paying rent. I lost my last contract for classes so I do need help. It's really difficult for me to admit. But if I'm going to get better, I can't stress too much.

@confidentrealm You'll get thru it. There are always ways to get assistance, and I think talking to the support people at ACS will be helpful.

@TheoryNumber3 I'm on top of it. Thanks

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