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Cancer survivor group just sorta popped up for me today. I have a story to tell.
In 1997, I went through treatment that put me into menopause, then in 199 had hysterectomy. There's a reason I tell you this.
December 2016, I found small amount of blood on the tissue I used in the restroom. The hysterectomy in 1999 meant I could not blame it on menopause. So, I book an appt with family doctor and one with GYN. By February 10, 2017 I was diagnosed with stage 4 bladder cancer. No treatment would mean maybe 18 months to live. I wanted more than that!
Went to MD Anderson and they told me this cancer is aggressive so they brought out the BIG chemo. Ifosfamide, gemcetabine and doxirubicin. Starting on March 20, 2017 I began five days in-patient IV drip of the cocktail every 3 weeks. First round threw me into the ER twice. After 2 rounds, it was showing promise! After 4 rounds, they switched me to include Cisplatin (platinum based chemo). After two rounds of that, I had lost significant hearing which indicated toxicity. I was "confused" and strangely, my knees were not working as I directed them to do. My red blood count was about to dip below 8 and I needed transfusion. White cells were very low too. They had maxed me out on chemo.
Was scheduled for complete cystectomy at the end of August 2017, but Hurricane Harvey got in the way (this is Houston for those who don't know where MDA is). Finally, the 8 hour+ surgery took place 9/11/2017. They basically cut you from belly-button down, pull everything out, remove a few things, modify a couple of plumbing issues, tuck everything back inside and sew you up. They actually glued my external cut shut! No staples or sutures! Plus they injected long acting pain killer along the surgical site which made recovery not as bad as I had thought it would be. Still, it took 8 weeks to start feeling OK again. I am now a "bag lady" (no bladder means an exterior bag).
In November, I started lightly working out again. In February I started really walking and often hit 5 miles in one session. Try to walk 3x a week and be active is some way. Tough at the age of 59 regardless of any medical situation, but I give myself credit for everything I do! Officially walking a 5k every month until it gets too hot here (for charity events like Impact A Heroes, Socks for Cancer). I do a 17 minute mile right now and my goal is to eventually run.
Best thing recently - I sent MD Anderson information from my family doctor regarding bone density and asked if there were any restrictions on bone density supplement. MDA told me that I was "no longer under treatment" and only on monitoring status every three months!!!
Bladder cancer is the 4th most common cancer in men and 9th in women. Typical patients are in their 70s. When found in stage 1 or 2, outlook is really good and may not require the surgery I had. Stage 3 or 4, the outlook is not so good, especially for those with secondary issues. So, if you have blood in your urine, ask to see a urologist. If I had not notice the blood on my tissue, I probably would not be celebrating one year of surviving!

bonfirefromtx 5 Mar 27
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I had 4 doses chemo too. Doxirubicin sounds familiar. I now go to cancer clinic every nine months. Bone marrow transplant saved me. I have trouble walking long distances cause my heart failed 3 years ago. Sounds like you are doing great. I have a home care nurse and officially retired. I was 58 when I was diagnosed so I know how you feel. Welcome to the group. Happy to have you.

Had heart failure 3 years ago-nursing home for 3 months. Cardiac rehab class was awesome.


Congratulations bonfirefromtx! It sounds like you caught it early and also found that thing in yourself that said 'I'm going to win this'.

crazycurlz Level 7 Mar 27, 2018

@bonfirefromtx omg...not early!

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Posted by TheoryNumber3A shoutout to my amazing doctors, nurses and techs at Northwest Community Hospital !! Thank you all SO much!!

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