Who is your favorite hero? Do you have one that stands out from the rest or does it vary by genre and licensing too much to decide?
Mine vary too much to decide a true winner, but in my unranked tops, it would be Oracle/Batgirl, Spiderman, Nightcrawler, Hermione, Samwise, and Storm.
This is actually a difficult question. When I get into a story/fictional world I rather create my own character to bring into the mentioned story/world, rather than relating to any of the cast.
Yet if we talk about charcters I can relate to... there are very few and most of them are either book or anime characters.
Growing up it was always about Batman and Spider-Man for me. I think mainly because I could realistically imagine myself becoming one of them. Even though extraordinarily unlikely, it's still possible I could become rich and have the resources to learn martial arts and detective skills and make or buy all sorts of crime fighting gadgets. Likewise I could still be bitten by a radioactive insect or other animal and have something happen to change me. And yes, sometimes I still fantasize about it...don't judge me.
The Flash is my favorite, because he’s just a good-hearted guy who became a superhero by accident. His story is never about justice or honor or duty. It’s about a guy who tries to save as many people as he can. Whenever he fails, it’s because HE wasn't fast enough.
Which is why it’s going to bother me when the DCEU fucks it up. They’re doing a Flashpoint movie just to reset the timeline and recast Batman. The story is about Flash running back in time to save his mother, which caused a ripple effect that altered major events. Superman became an underground government lab rat since childhood and Bruce Wayne was killed instead of his parents (you get the idea). The Flash has to fix the timeline before Earth is destroyed by a war between the Atlantans and The Amazons.
Captain America and the Hulk. The hulk will always have a very special spot in my heart because he helped me a lot growing up.
I related a lot to a nerd with body problems and anger issues who still managed to be a good guy. He really helped me feel less alone.
I'm currently though incredibly in love with captain america (not the current comic one, he's an asshole....) He symbolizes everything America SHOULD. True equality and justice. He isn't afraid to stand up to his leaders when they go a way he doesn't feel right about. He is able to still love his friends even when he feels they're making a mistake. He sees injustice and he fights, no matter if it's from foreign or domestic people. I was most certainly team cap during civil war, not because I couldn't see where tony was coming from, but because cap knows the government is still susceptible to corruption from hydra.
After that is black widow because 1) scarjo is bae. 2) she has such a deeply complex history and is a ruthless woman who will do whatever and whomever she needs to to get things done. She's tragic but she is stronger than anyone because of all she's gone through.
Oh and deadpool. Though he isn't so much a hero lol
Posted by IamceleryWho else likes cotc? anybody know any shows as wholesome and progressive as it?
Posted by kimlaleonaMy son said 10/10 (=
Posted by OldMetalHeadIt has absolutely nothing to do with selling to horny male gamers
Posted by LaurenSo happy Easter, y'all.
Posted by RayPowerAnyone dice rollers?
Posted by DarkNerdyGonzoCount backwords I can yesss mmuuuuuhhehheheheh
Posted by DarkNerdyGonzoA throwback to tripleforcefriday ,i used to have this pic on my twitter page before I was permently suspended so now it can live on here at agnostic.com
Posted by OldMetalHeadAn amazing Elastigirl cosplay!
Posted by ZantiMisfit Hello Fellow Geeks :) I'd like to share a recommendation with everyone.
Posted by SpawnofSaganAnime and Atheism.
Posted by kimlaleonaThe quiet ones 😂👌
Posted by James121Anyone watching the new Batwoman on CW watched the first 3 episodes and it looks so good..
Posted by PedrohbdsLast addition to the collection.
Posted by EricTrommaterAm I on freaking acid? Somebody tell me this is fake news?
Posted by EricTrommaterAm I on freaking acid? Somebody tell me this is fake news?
Posted by KynleiHold your books, I will.