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I’m dealing with a diagnosis of pancreatitis, out after a stay in the hospital. I’m also addicted to painkillers, off for over 3 years give or take. They were giving me dilaudid in the hospital intravenously, I dealt then because of the horrible pain. My problem now is that they sent me home with a scrip for hydrocodone, 30 pills. Seriously. I have to be able to function and get past the acute stage, but I seem to be liking them way too much and now I’ll have withdrawal again? After a week, give or take? This sucks.

Cherie44 7 June 16
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This is how the spouse who still drinks became addicted to opioids. Pancreatitis. I feel for you. But not him.

Mooolah Level 8 Jan 14, 2019

IMO-you need another person in recovery to physically be there in your presence on a daily basis to help you manage these drugs, to be accountable to, and be honest with so that when the time comes you can move forward without the painkillers with integrity.

At three months into recovery (my second try) I broke my foot and the doctor sent me home with a boot, crutches, and a prescription for 50(!) Vicodin. Reluctantly I told my sponsor and gave 40 to my wife and took 10 with me. She and I were separated at the time. We were divorced one year later. It’s been 5 years since I broke my foot. She is not an alcoholic or a drug addict. She probably still has a few left.

I was really unhappy and angry doing what I did but I’m very grateful I listened to my sponsor and followed his advice. I don’t think I’d be sober today if I didn’t. Sometimes alcoholism hides in a bottle of pills for me.

Bikes4Fish Level 7 June 19, 2018

The withdrawal shouldn't be too bad since its only Vicodin. But it's important that you remember you needed to get off of them in the first place


Therapist, sponsor, some kind of support group? Do EVERYTHING that you need to. Thinking of you.

kmdskit3 Level 8 June 16, 2018

That does suck. How have you dealt with it in the past, if at all?


After knee replacement I had he'll coming off pain pills....I loved them....but never I feel for you....CBD oil helped with withdrawal from cymbalta....and those withdrawal were terrible.....nevet take c ymbalta again....good luck my dear...I feel for you!!

Wezzy Level 4 June 16, 2018

Some drugs require a gradual withdrawal. Cymbalta is one of them. Why doctors do not observe this is disgruntling. But not so with writing scripts.

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