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I have much to write for this group but lack the energy at present to write a long winded post so I thought to just post short snippets of my dance with addiction. I found myself in the hospital after many months of drinking a case of beer a day.. and whatever else you'd put in front of me.. I had been hallucinating for months.. the intake lady was shocked at my honesty.. It's because I was done.. as I lay in the gurney I had an epiphany... If I were to have one more drink.. I would surely die.. I tell people that in my case recovery was fairly easy in that I was faced with two choices.. drink and die or not drink and live.. and that is the way I've thought of it ever since.. augmented some as after the 5 year mark I can have a drink on special occasions and not want another.. going on 30 plus years now.. so for me.. addiction equals death.. been up close to it with partners and refuse to go out of this world in that manner. I am not advocating that anyone do what I've done but for me it's a matter of making good decisions about your life and your health.. please choose well.. the power is and always has resided within you...

Starfodder 6 July 6
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That's awesome. Good for you in your recovery.
Health-wise alcohol destroyed me. I can never go back to that hardcore drinking, or I'd probably end up dead. So, I'll stick around for awhile. 😉

anthonyco Level 5 July 7, 2018

Glad to hear of your success. Not everyone sees their bottom. Keep fighting!

kmdskit3 Level 8 July 6, 2018

I don't fight.. it ended there.. It's a way of life.. a conscious decision...

@Starfodder Ok. Everybody needs to save their own life.

@kmdskit3 That is absolutely true.. Audioslave.. Cochise... "Go on and save yourself"

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Posted by Fibonacci1618This is an article discussing the differences and similarities between a 12 Step Program and SMART Recovery. I'm curious about your thoughts or experiences between the two..... []

Posted by DeeWomanI would only change the word “hero” to “warrior” ?✌?

Posted by Jlangston70Perspective

Posted by ashortbeautyEach step matters

Posted by ashortbeautyFor you...

Posted by Marcie1974Look what I got!

Posted by Jlangston70Today I chose...

Posted by ashortbeautyToday is a new day

Posted by ashortbeautyBelieve in you

Posted by Sherri-VTI’m new to this group.

Posted by ashortbeautyChat will be open from 6-8p EST week nights Weekends I still med y'alls input for a timeframe

Posted by ashortbeautyStole this from the singles group. Thought it would fit perfectly here

Posted by ashortbeautyFind someth ing good about today and let that lead you forward

Posted by ashortbeautyDon't beat yourself up. Recovery takes time. Allow yourself that time to heal

Posted by ashortbeautySomething people forget to give those of us who've overcome xyz...Respect. So mad respect to every one of you for succeeding in today's struggle

Posted by Rudy1962Self sacrificing people tend to forget this.

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