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Is there a subject about Recovery that you have questions about? Disease theory? Abstinence vs Moderation? Rational thoughts vs Emotions? The differences between triggers and urges? Stages of Change? Reason I ask, is I am giving a presentation and I would like to address varying subjects of concerns and perspectives on such. I'd appreciate your feedback, thanks.

Fibonacci1618 7 Aug 14
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Are you familiar with the sinclair method?

thinkfree Level 4 Sep 25, 2018

I wasn't by it's name, but I had read on the practice of reducing the "pleasure" of drinking through various means. I think, from what I've read, you need to have someone willing to stay on point with their medication to enable the proper results. It takes someone of a secured plan for change to part take in that method. In general, what whatever works for what ever the purpose for seeking sobriety. There is no cookie cutter formula for sobriety, because there are varying reasons why alcohol abuse disorder becomes the habit. In Cognitive Behavior Therapy harm reduction is an option, and this just seems like a very sophisticated version of that. I assume health insurance would be a must to subsidized the cost. Which means again, someone who's awareness isn't the same "bottom" as others. I'm curious about the long term affects of altering our synapses in that manner. Could it remove joy from other things, ect. Great topic and tool to discuss in a open forum discussions group I would think. Most AA groups would frown upon this type of tool, I would assume.


I found this quote and loved it if not applicable please ignore -

"If you are willing to look at anther persons behaviour towards you as a reflection of their own relationship with themselves rather than a statement about your value as a person = then you will over a period of time cease to react at all ..... Yogi Bhajan

jacpod Level 8 Aug 15, 2018

I like it. In short, I usually reference: "Don't worry about people liking you, most don't like themselves." But the reaction part is the most important in yours, no doubt. Just not sure where it would apply to recovery. Maybe in the sense of finding and maintaining your self value and reducing emotional triggers?

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Posted by Fibonacci1618This is an article discussing the differences and similarities between a 12 Step Program and SMART Recovery. I'm curious about your thoughts or experiences between the two..... []

Posted by DeeWomanI would only change the word “hero” to “warrior” ?✌?

Posted by Jlangston70Perspective

Posted by ashortbeautyEach step matters

Posted by ashortbeautyFor you...

Posted by Marcie1974Look what I got!

Posted by Jlangston70Today I chose...

Posted by ashortbeautyToday is a new day

Posted by ashortbeautyBelieve in you

Posted by Sherri-VTI’m new to this group.

Posted by ashortbeautyChat will be open from 6-8p EST week nights Weekends I still med y'alls input for a timeframe

Posted by ashortbeautyStole this from the singles group. Thought it would fit perfectly here

Posted by ashortbeautyFind someth ing good about today and let that lead you forward

Posted by ashortbeautyDon't beat yourself up. Recovery takes time. Allow yourself that time to heal

Posted by ashortbeautySomething people forget to give those of us who've overcome xyz...Respect. So mad respect to every one of you for succeeding in today's struggle

Posted by Rudy1962Self sacrificing people tend to forget this.

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