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Here is the rest of Todd is Back.

"What the hell?" I think. They're letting me go after all that? I'm calm- by now and promptly start walking back to the info desk inside. I go right by it because I'm still rather pumped from the incident and I'm not ready yet to show my face there. l head for the exit on the other side of the building. I decided that I want to order lunch at Sub Dude where my high school friend Modique works, Modique Quooche. I walk with a little more jazz now because I am entering the Sub Dude and I see Modique. She looks and catches my eye. I'm 3rd person in line and can't wait to be served. For one reason I'm hungry, but the other more pressing reason is Modique. She is so with it, she has a lovely smile and always has me laughing along with her as she is such a charm. Now I'm second in line and the man in front orders his meal and steps aside as Modique grins broadly my way acknowleging my presence. "Hey dier my bean cake! How's my little Teever doin there?" She says with joviality! I say, "Oghhh Modique may baybay, I'll order me some yellow pea soup with ham and a small meatball sub pleaze no cheeze." Modique asks, "Hey Teever, did you hear about Todds peculiar accident yesterday? "Holy Cheeze" I say. "I was just going to visit him but unfortunately I had a run in with security." She adds, "Yeah I see scuff marks over your brow my dear Teever." "Yes" I say somewhat frowning, "They roughed me up a bit, but I'll be fine it was only a misunderstanding." She smiles then repetes "Dear Teever" Well thanks for my sub and soup Modique I'll go to the parking lot and enjoy this meal.

"Hey Zucks, do you want your yellow pea soup for lunch? Zucks was in the booth recording some license plate info when I approach. "Hey, hey! Teever buddy what are you doin here?" I told him the story as we sit down to eat. He had no idea I would be showing up for lunch but this is my former place of employment. I'm still called to work here when there is a big event from time to time. It's really convienient when it works out because I can always use the extra money. Zucks and I worked together here for 3 years until I got another job at the Hotel Maude as grounds keeper and lot attendent. Oh boy, I thought I better get over there before lunch is over so I'm not beeved by Dix. I hope Todd's gonna be ok.

Author- Maxwell: Hello readers, uhh the story ends because of an event that happened while Teever was on his way back to work. He was killed by an automobile as he was running across the intersection of Dumvelt Blvd. and Rejency St. where there was a construction site that was not covered by a Safety Officer. Todd never recovered to his pre-accident health and was now getting around in a wheel chair. He still has lots of difficulties, but is a well loved member of Clubhouse. Teevers memorial service was attended by all his friends including:
Maria Josephina, his aunt whom although is unemployed due to a business shut down, has lots of great memories of Teever. She would always accomodate him when he would knock at the door to visit her. She is a deeply religious person whom never married and could not join the nunnery because of Explosive Temper Disorder. She rarely left her apartment other than her weekly trip to the grocer. She now has no visitors (only required government appointed counselors and workers whom feign smiles whenever she mentions her nephew) as Teever is no longer with us.
Dillon McFreek, whom became overwhelmed with Teevers passing for a time and decided to take a vacation to cope. He went to Clemfphe Arizona to a famous spa that took good care of him. When he was done he moved to St. Dootsma Arizona 5 miles from the spa.
Gath and Denise Millerstone, a young fun loving couple whom had no issues with Teevers passing. They just partied on like it never happened. When ever someone mentioned Teever they just changed thier facial expressions to match the mood of the majority of others they were in the company of. Then they would sneak in other facial, body, and verbal expressions and gestures to coax the company into other conversations. It usually worked, and if it didn't they would move to another area where the social conditions were light and fluffy. There was one time that their tricks didn't work so they went home and indulged in marrital pleasure.
Dix Hubledove, Teevers Boss whom did not want to attend any service for Teever. He didn't care for him as he was shy of being completely honest with his superiors. He never recieved the bottle of Scotch that Teever promised, and continued his life as if Teever never existed.
Clovis Pierre, whom never attended a memorial service before. She came from a secular family that never gave much attention to supervisionaries like religions and such things. She was rather nervous at first, but as soon as she connected to her friends that she and Teever shared, she felt comforted. She was satisfied with the occasion, especially in retrospect.
Ted Cruz, 🌈 politician and dignitary. Deeply religious and proud. Ted schmoozed with all the people at the service, especially Clovis Pierre and Modique Quooch. For reasons unspecified Mr. Cruz's wife was not present. He knew Teever as a volunteer for his Presidential Campaign. After the service he talked on the phone with the Govenor of New Jersey.
Sandy Dismoltovabianadravonishids, Owner of the local Sub Dude. She thought Teever was a cute kid and she was saddened by his passing. She also gave support to Modique.
Modique Quooch, a High School friend of Teever and neighbor as well. They spent quite a bit of time together and genuinly enjoyed one anothers company. Modique struggled for a time with Teevers passing and wept mournfully at the service. He was like a brother to her. Modique began working for Mr. Cruz shortly after the service and is now involved in the Trump Administration to some extent. Modique Quooch is now attending Bla-Steevert University for the Politically Connected.
Anson Slavert, he worked with Teever at the Hotel Maude and also a fellow student of Teever at Stukes U.
Zucks Montgomery, co-worker at the Dime-O-Lot companies. Zucks was a closet alcoholic whom "came out" at the service. He was composed but reeking of alcohol and had to get a ride home after the service because he staggered while getting out of his chair to pay respect to Teevers Aunt. It is understood that he may be under rehabilitation supervision at the time. Teever never had the chance to take Todd to the Clam Bake, or buy him the vittles and skittles that he promise him in the song.
Ronald did not attend the service and was officially adopted by Aunt Maria Josephina.

RIP Teever Clucker

Croebheir 6 June 16
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1 comment

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What a horrible ending although the closing character sketches were fun. Maybe Teever could come back as a ghost?

I rather liked Modique.

pixiedust Level 8 June 16, 2018

Take aTed cruz liked her too. I'll have to think about the ghost idea. That's going to be a whole new can o tomatoes.

@Croebheir I'm still sniffling although tomatoes might help.

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