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Does anyone know where I could take a class on properly crafting a novel? If I'm doing something, I'd like to do it correctly. There are so many stories, settings, characters piled up in my head, and it seems a shame I'm the only one who gets to enjoy them.

CommonHuman 7 Sep 26
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Portland State university in Portland OR


There are so many steps in writing a novel, and I have never found a single source that addresses them all well. Assuming we start at the outline (and we all should), the best instruction on story structure I've ever found is Dan Wells' 7-point story structure lectures on Youtube. It's a 5- part series. Worth your time.

Lysistrata Level 7 Sep 29, 2018

I have an ebook up on Amazon it's pretty basic introductory stuff but might be a help to you


There’s a plethora of free advice on the internet. Good advice. Just check your sources. It also helps to read a lot of books in the same genre as that which you are trying to write.


@CommonHuman -- Some things to think about: Though writing is an art and that means you can do it however you want, there are some basic things that should be learned before you write with the intent of publishing. Here's something I already posted that may give you some insight:


If, after seeing my post and the attendant video, you still have questions, feel free to ask, either here or in PM. I'll be happy to help in any way I can.

Now, for the notion of taking classes in writing: Getting educated about anything is always a positive. However, there are things you should know first. The most important thing to understand is that there is no one way to do things when it comes to any art. Knowing this, you will find that creative writing classes in most college/university settings teach one method of achieving your writing goal which may fit into your personality like a long lost relative, or it might be caustic enough to stifle any hopes of becoming an author.

Knowing this in advance will make it possible for you to take a class and maybe even pass it (with a grade you're not afraid to mention) without becoming limited by the method taught. Most formal writing classes teach that outlining is the way to write a novel/story/article/essay. Now, there is nothing wrong with this other than that it doesn't take into consideration the personality of the person who is doing the writing --- the creating.

For example, I approach writing in a sort of middle-of-the-road manner. That is, I am in many respects a pantser. In some respects I am a planner. I have never written an outline, but I do build a loose road map that allows me to rein in my rampant and undisciplined creative urges enough to not get lost in a forest of my own making. This is the process that works for me and keeps me happy enough to remain seated a sufficient amount of time to actually produce a few works.

Most of the time, a writer won't know what process works best for him/her until he/she has typed enough copy to have worn the flesh off all his/her fingers. Some aspiring writers obtain the confidence they need to make the attempt only through formalized training, others not so much, and still others who just fly into the fray willy-nilly. What all this boils down to is, you won't know anything with any certainty until you've laid bare your soul on paper/monitor by producing several hundreds of thousands of words.

If one is fortunate, as I was, a mentor or two/three/four will happen along to aid him/her along their way. Again, any questions you may have, I am a willing co-conspirator to the extent I'm able, and I'm sure there are others out there.


look at your community college

TheDoubter Level 9 Sep 27, 2018

lots of universities have classes that unenrolled students may take.


genessa Level 8 Sep 26, 2018
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