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The blow job - A modern day parable

Once upon a time there was a man called George. He lived with his wife in a very good house that was very well looked after. He had three lovely children ranging from 10 to 18 and he loved them all very dearly.
Only one thing troubled George, no blow jobs. Not that George was sex obsessed. It as just the concept of one that drove him to distraction. Catherine dearly loved George too but after 20 years of marriage and 3 kids Sex had become a pleasurable routine that she felt no inclination to change. George was far too nice a guy to labor the point and kept his longing to himself.
Yet to George it seemed all his friends, work colleagues and everyone was going on about blow jobs. "They are like chateaubriand. Very nice but you won't get one at home." They joked.
It began to depress him.
In despair one Monday after work George entered a massage parlor. And again for every working day of the 2 weeks running up to their 21st wedding anniversary He would tell his wife that he had to work late and George would spend an hour in the company of another woman. That he paid.
Come the day of their 21st and it was like any other. The kids had forgotten all about it and he gave Daniel his eldest 50 to take the other 2 down the mall and buy something for their mum. With strict instructions not be back till 5pm.
Catherine lay back in bed. Smiling at the little surprise that George would bring her, the same as every year.. Breakfast in bed with a little gift on the tray. They would eat and tell each other how much they loved each other. Then they would kiss and make love. She wondered if she should shower first but it was nice and cozy in bed and it would spoil the breakfast mood.
This year was however a little different
"In the bathroom" came a rather sturn voice that she was unaccustomed to.
"IN THE BATHROOM" It repeated more insistent but not in the least aggressive.
Reluctantly Catherine rose from the warmth of her bed and grabbed her robe off the door. "This better be good and big" She thought whilst dressing? The sight that met her there was not her husband at all. It was a bath full of scented oils and surrounded by lit candles.
"Get in and I will be up soon Let me know when you want to get out?"
"Oh thats so sweet of him He didnt have to. I was up for sex anyway but this felt so relaxing" Thoughts with eyes closed and wry smile. For quite some time she just lay there thinking how lucky she had been to be with a guy like him. Other men strayed or had wandering eyes but not her George. He was hers and she his, that was that.
Hearing her rise from the bath he joined her there. Then taking the towel gently but firmly from her hands said. "Just stand still till I tell you to move"
"Oh yes sir" as she giggled and gave a small salute. The giggling became more frequent as the towel occasionally tickled. He dried every inch of that woman he had lived with for 21 years. Every crevice, blemish, freckle and scar. Every fold and wrinkle he had watched grow. Arms that had held his babies. breasts that fed, belly and lips that bore them. Then he led them all to the bedroom.
Inside the drapes were drawn and the bed was arrayed with a cotton sheet over plastic. The heating was on full and it made her anxious to see a bottle of oil on the nightstand. They had once tried it "that way" when they were 1st married and she was NOT a fan. If THAT was what he was after then all the baths in the world would not persuade her. The alarm bells were further accentuated by his instructions to lay face down.
She was quite tense when started to pour the warmed up oil over her but as fingers and thumbs swirled and kneaded, explored and traversed, squeezed and caressed, teased knees and ears, neck and spine, calves and toes. She saw the virtue of the plastic covering.
It was not just the oil that dripped.
It became even more powerful after he turned her over. Not only hands but tongue teased and worked as well till every fiber in her body shook in spasm. Time and again he would bring about another. Then starting sometimes at the beginning again and sometimes going further, deeper and wider. By the time he entered she was longing for him deep inside. Yet he was not allowed to explode and collapse entwined as usual. This time she knew his body just as well as he knew hers. It was his turn to lay there. After one last ride on top that nearly woke the neighbors. She climbed off and covered her teeth with her lips....

That night at the restaurant. They shared secret smiles and glances.over table Just like when they dinned with their parents so long ago. Yet Georges smile concealed another darker secret. For 2 weeks he paid a woman to do a very specific task "Teach me how to please my wife". So with no touching other than massage and the occasional demonstrations of tongues on finger or once nipple, A lot of directions and advice Patiently he had learnt the subtle art of seduction from a professional.
George no longer wanted for anything.

273kelvin 8 Nov 3
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A long time ago, this guy that lived in an apartment next to me said he never had a BJ, because his wife didnt like to do that. I said " how does she know ? " he got a really odd look on his face. Lol

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