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Hello fellow scribblers,
I was sat ere. I thought I might try some satire.
Bellow is a light first draft of a sketch. Many will be familiar with the chauvinist Kellyanne Conway. The lady who gives blonds a bad name. A small part of me (a small part indeed) sometimes feels sorry for her, in the same way, one feels sorry for the one-armed knight in Monty Python. You do wonder just how far she can take it? There must be some point where even she cannot spin and then...
Oh, what one would not give to be a fly-on-the-wall in her household?
Please feel free to add to the dialogue

Kellyanne Conway on Fox News
"Kellyanne how do you respond to President Trump's latest assertion that 2 and 2 make 5?"
"Well Lisa, I would have to have that confirmed but assuming it is correct, I think it can be viewed as a very creative outlook on the situation."
"But it`s not right"
"You can say that but the great thing about our president is that he is always looking toward lateral solutions to long-lasting problems."
"Under the old administration, 2 and 2 only made 4 which is a very disappointingly low level of return. And if the Democrats have their way it will remain so. Using this fantastic method of accounting. We can look forward to a 20% increase in growth by the election in November."
"How will that work on the deficit?"
"What deficit?"

273kelvin 8 Mar 28
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He does say that social distancing is important.
Well, on TV we see him surrounded so closely by his entourage that everyone is in physical contact. In Britain we saw Boris Johnson on TV was keeping his close political circle well spaced away from each other, even before he caught this .....
Chinese virus? Yes, but as you can see it didn't work, did it? Our president and vice president have a Christian faith that keeps them safe. His recent negative test proves how effective this is.

Petter Level 9 Mar 28, 2020

@273kelvin we're only going to supply ideas - it's your project to incorporate them into the grand narrative.
However, it needs more contributors to this post.

Petter Level 9 Mar 28, 2020

"Well, what about his recent tweet declaring that black was white?"
"Lisa I think that you are viewing that statement in entirely the wrong light"

@273kelvin --

"He said it, didn't he?"

"Not exactly. In these times of stressed light and dark, we have to allow for shades of gray. That's what he was getting at. Yes." Kellyanne purses her stingy thin lips and glares into the camera's lens. "You know. Alternative shades."


President Bush firmly believed that 2, with 2 more made three, but that was after adjusting for incorrectly heightened expectations of the outcome, a bad policy during wartime. Obama, of course, was utterly unimaginative and useless, and simply went along with the broad concensus.

Petter Level 9 Mar 28, 2020

good start. keep it going

TheDoubter Level 9 Mar 28, 2020

Keeping it going includes your input as well if posdible.

@Petter i wish i was clever enough to contribute. my brain doesn't run in that channel

@TheDoubter Well, stick it underneath an oven and see if it can cook up something under pressure! 🤣😂


Could be fun, this. I must ponder upon it. Maybe add the text from this meme I created

Petter Level 9 Mar 28, 2020
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