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Hello, hope things are going well there. Here there is icy rain so I decided not to go to the vegan Meetup in the next city. It seems my Culinary Arts group is attracting vegan hecklers. They don't write anything rude but post omnivore dishes. One let me know I misspelled the group name. I trust spell check too often and thought it was cullinary. I did find where I can edit and added a photo. I guess I'll keep occasionally adding something nice and hope that one day some interact that actually like culinary arts. It's raw vegan. I reversed prediabetes.

Today, I had a little debate with an omnivore who's some sort of political activist. Though he has shown great interest in promoting civil rights, apparently he 's another has already made up his mind and I tried imperfectly to use Socrates questioning, but he refused to answer the questions or look at the links. He claims his grandparents lived into their late 90s and he intends to follow their footsteps.

I see YouTube now has many omnivore videos popularized so people can't readily see that plenty are biased. I know nowadays there are very few raw vegan centarians but geriatrics experts show vegans are more likely to have a higher quality of life and be able to carry on a conversation. The omnivores say they're more omnivores skipping over that vegetarians and vegans that do eat balanced diets on the average live much longer than omnivores. Even fruitarian leaders are said to live 10 to 20 years longer than a typical person.

The comparisons are really unfair. Long term healing still goes with raw vegan nutritional healing. The Blues Zones are homogenous so not up to so much disease. I wish we could establish better comparisons. New vegetarians and vegans often make some special mistakes, and often ought to reverse particular damage, but that's not defining vegetarianism or veganism by counter examples.

Surely there must be a better way.

WarmFluffy 7 Dec 27
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It truly is remarkable how carnists are so threatened by veganism. I grew up eating meat cooked by my family and never gave it a second thought. I became a vegetarian as an adult with minimal dairy, but evolved the whole way. I find resistance somewhat at the school where I teach, but another young vegan is now there too and I think it is becoming more acceptable. It is a movement, however. A tsunami, I think and I am so glad to be on the wave. I would never go back to eating animal products.. My 3;adult kids are also vegan. We just have to be patient ??

Melind Level 6 Dec 27, 2018

Logic is never heard by people with an axe to grind. Meat eaters feel as if there way of eating is under attack, it is and it should be. Saving the planet is no minor aspiration.


I have been down the road with "Omnivores" (a term, albeit misleading, for carnivores). Whereas I understand some people have a problem with a vegan/vegetarian diet (several that I know have tried it) they never, never think they are superior to people with other food habits. I see this as just another way of trying to justify their sensuous desires (eating is a very sensual experience and it gives pleasure and involves all the senses). Rudeness is a sure sign of a lack of credibility and civility.

JackPedigo Level 9 Dec 27, 2018

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