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Why was there never a word about healthy diets and essential vitamins and nutrients? Liquor stores and 'big box' stores never closed. This was never about public health.

BDair 8 Sep 8
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A very good point, amazing how free choice damages us so much. Mainly harm is seen as caused by self; when it is easy to see links, like smoking, changes have been made.
I was 16 when I decided not to go into a career in product marketing and psychology as I realised then it was unethical; from my point of view.
The thing is it’s not an even playing field for individuals, many are too busy to spend the time researching products and others are having a tough time and tend towards, ‘comfort foods’ or copying others.
Covid 19 however impacted on other people much more than smoking, on March 11th 2020 the World Health Organisation declared the virus a pandemic, there are protocols in place for these and if anything they were started a bit late here I think.
Wine shops closed here in UK, make up was covered up, only essential items available from supermarkets.
Opening has been business oriented, but I truly believe that the closures were health related. (Perhaps I’m wrong 😉).


There’s no money in the medical industry if people stay healthy.

Wildgreens Level 8 Sep 19, 2021

I think the billionaires job is to depopulation the earth with all their intention and mistakes. Then collective consciousness after great degrees and levels of mass psychosis and abuse.
Then it's what we learn after we know it all, that counts.

"...after we know it all, that counts"! Yes! 'After I grew up', decades after I was born, it was too late to make any significant changes- but I have not put one of those stinking cigarette-things in my mouth in 50 years. Yep, then there is the beer industry: and the monetary costs, the beer gut, and the 'morons in the pub'. They are sports officiates, 'sitting', ( don't want to get too much exercise) with the huge beer guts--- but they don't 'sweat' at fitness. Who wants to hear them and waste time?
Na, have no intensions of getting so pure I can't stand myself---- but some situations are astoundingly obvious.


Unfortunately, we humans are a severely flawed species.

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Posted by BDairWhy was there never a word about healthy diets and essential vitamins and nutrients? Liquor stores and 'big box' stores never closed. This was never about public health.

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