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What do you think about using avocado to make vegan "ice cream"? I haven't tried this recipe yet. I'm allergic to bananas and I've felt like I'm missing out on those delicious banana-based recipes. I have had mango-based ice cream before and it was good. I don't like avocados but I'm trying to add them into my diet anyhow.

graceylou 8 May 24
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I would be willing to try to do it. Maybe with
sweet berries, avocado, peaches, coconut milk.
Something like that.

Wildgreens Level 8 May 29, 2018

I love avocados, but ice cream? That does not sound yummy

AuntieMame Level 6 May 26, 2018

I love avocados, but I don't think I could do it as ice cream


Try it! avocado ice cream -- and even avocado pudding -- amazing! yum!
I make banana ice cream just about every day...simple to freeze bananas and process with strawberries or blueberries. I probably eat 6-10 bananas a day. I have no idea what I would do if I couldn't eat them! I'm so so so sorry you are allergic to them! That's awful!

I just developed the allergy one day a few years ago. I had always eaten bananas before that. That day I ate a banana and was sick for 2 days. Tried it in baked goods like banana muffin or bread. Nope. I tried two tablespoons of banana ice cream. Nope. Apparently if you are allergic to latex (and I am severely allergic to latex) you can develop an allergy to bananas. But I will try the avocado ice cream.

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