AWOL records, line field and segment producer. Editor a. E. Many high rated reality television shows scary I just made a lot of money... and got the hell out. Now I freelance for CBS News and do stand-up comedy. My ACT is like nothing you have seen before and if you are going to be with me you got to realize it's a character. My career is taking off in an upward Direction but most importantly I make my own schedule. I believe in seeing the humor in everything. What choice have you got really? I am firmly committed to nonviolence and sharing they love of commonality of species hell of life in general. There are times when you can feel this Bond
My goal is to share this Bond so that people might lay down the false idolatry which has let us to the brink of Destruction at a time when we should be more enlightened than ever. I am however a realist. Absolutely despise Trump and his followers and consider them and their religions evil and take every opportunity to tell them so period after all they've had their way for 2,000 years and have even managed to discard the teachings of their founder. I find them genuinely committed to being stupid. And that is scary. But we have the ultimate weapons now. The truth and instant communication and imagery. I do not go to protest because they are not protesting the right thing. All forms of rights are essentially human rights or more importantly life rights and until we evolve to a point that all life is guaranteed these inherent rights we are nothing more than monkeys running around in silly outfits staring at a ridiculous device.
And the source of all caste systems and other social injustice based on status can be traced to the king worship always instilled in religion. To those who know their history this is no surprise because we know that the king wrote the religious books to keep their subjects in line when they could not. And I find it abhorrent that this has been allowed to happen for this is the source of all violation of Life rights. The day they begin protesting religion I will be on the front line. Laying down of course because violence only makes us them and they are horrible. Who is they?
If you don't know then this is probably not the dude for you. Any thinking person has some perception in their mind of they. Not easily described but you certainly know them when you see them. And this brings up a final Insidious characteristic of Christianity. There are no outward indicators of the severe Insanity going on in the head of the nice man that lives next door. For he is they.