I was born an raised in South Arkansas, I tried when I was Young To believe in god! but it never took.. I grew to dislike relidigion the older I got as I ended up with more Questions then I could get answers! But I just kept my oppenions to my self as a young adult an until around 40, I had never even heard a person say they doubted god much less denied his existance. But I have never been a pack type person so I was the 1st person I know who defied GOD in there eyes an really did not or do I now care what others thought, I spent a lot of time an still do investigating why other believe. My findings seem to be pier pressure an people who NEED SOMETHING to believe in , I believe in Myself I am the source of my being. my rise or my falls I praise of fault ME
Not some immaginary man who lives in the sky an watches,,,,, hell yall get it or you wouldn't be here I am the only non believer I know in this town of almost 20,000. I never puss my lack of faith on others, BUT I DAMN SURE GET TIRED OF PEOPLE trying to push there relidigon on me, when I am more aware of what there instructions are from there book then they are. I have been called by a close friend from childhood as ( YOUR A GOOD ATHIEST to which I replied YAAW SIR MR JERRY, I TRIES TO BE! ARROGENT FOOL! I have been asked how do I know right from wrong< if I don't know GOD! I said it was faily simple, don't kill an don't lie, kinda felt like things I really didn;t desire from birth! or as far back as my memory goes!