Hello, thanks for bothering to stop by and read this little slice of info. It’s summertime once again, and I’m in sunny Southern California! What more could a young boy want? Things have changed drastically in the world, in America, and even in my life. While I still hold onto the idea that people typically themselves don’t change, while their situations and circumstances often do, I think I have experienced some real changes. Not just in my situations and circumstances, but in the way I view the world around me and the ways things work. I have experienced some significant emotional events lately that have altered my ways of thinking and perceiving things
While I also believe that there are really no “good” things or “bad” things, there are different ways of using our discernment and disseminating the information we process. I’m hoping that I’m able to continue growing and learning and finding new challenges to overcome. Mostly, I want to continue taking life one day at a time and savoring each precious moment as they arise. Won’t you join me?