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Professional photo, May, but I no longer wear glasses. I look like my paternal grandfather!


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Clowning with my daughter, when she was two, sure, it's 22 years old, but it's here to show the fun I'm up to!
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Caught some deep snow at the top of a jump, but "you can't get hurt in the air"!
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Daddy's not-so-little girl after middle-school graduation in August 2008. These pictures were time for (happy) tears and tissues.
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My precious daughter and my dear dad at his 75th birthday in 1996.
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My backyard. I've added some patio furniture and replaced the fence but wait 'til you see it at night with a few lights!
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May 4, 2018, with former coworkers whose tasks I supported even when traveling or skiing! "Yes, I'm on the Sky Chair at Heavenly Valley!"
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5-18-18 with one of my rhodies and a glass of bubbly. Yes, my cup of life is way more than half full!
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"The right stuff"!12-2-2016
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting women
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  • Joined May 27th, 2018
  • Last Visit Over a year ago
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