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I like explore the desert with a camera.

I try leave a light footprint, use light rail, turn up my a/c (85), turn down the heat (68), water my plants from sink capture, carpool. I am an optomist by nature, pessimist by observation.

I prefer camping to hotels to see the meteors and hear the coyotes, toads and poorwills.

I'm a recent vegan but not preachy. You can eat what you want.

My taste in music is broad- downbeat, chill, new age, chant, alt country, rock.

I am woefully ignorant of popular culture. I don't watch TV.
I wear many hats: editor, biological field tech, birder, herper, nature hike leader, swim instructor, painter, glass artist and instructor



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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker, Spiritual
Open to meeting men
  • BirthdayJanuary 8
  • Interested InFriends, Dating, Long Term
  • EnjoysMovies, Weed, Music, Science, Books, Outdoors, Art, Pets, Travel
  • EducationCollege
  • Top tags#Diet
  • Level2 (156 points)
  • Comments
  • Fans 0
  • Joined May 24th, 2019
  • Last Visit Over a year ago
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