I'm here to meet people, be it for a relationship or just friends. I play video games (it's a bit of a passion of mine), and I'm the typical nerd: Anime, RPG's, Tech, the whole shtick (except body pillows. That's just wired, sorry).
I'm a bit of a straightforward individual. I speak my mind, tell really terrible jokes, and sometimes make others around me question their place in life just by stating the basic facts of existentialism....I suppose "Cynic" isn't always the best way to describe my attitude, but it comes relatively close at times. I revel in obscenely dark humor, and am looking for somebody with the same sort of approach to life as myself. I'm not a fan of making anything about morals, because people who do tend to be total hypocrites from the get-go. I'm not perfect, and I celebrate it.