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Saw an interesting lecture video on fact vs fiction regarding popular claims about the Fibonacci sequence/ golden ratio. Apparently the claim that it is found in the nautilus shell is false but mostly true about pine cones and sunflowers. I saw someone post a video of it as proof of a creator. What would you say to that?

Re-BornAgainst 5 June 7

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There is a pretty good scientific explanation for why it can be found in plant life and the rest just seems to be confirmation bias, wishful thinking, sharpshooter fallacy, etc. Still very interesting subject with the huge amount of pop culture claims attributed to it.


I could also use a bacon cheeseburger as proof of a creator about as effectively. The Fib shows up all over the place in nature because it is also part of nature. Not a real stretch of the imagination or any kind of mathematical "magic" there.


That the Fibonacci series is not found in the nautilus shell is news to me. That its presence in sunflowers is evidence of a deity is just absurd.

And pineapples


Did it have anything to say about distribution of matter in the universe resembles a mandelbrot?


I'd say that a lack of intelligence about design doesn't prove the man made theory of intelligent design.


wow! I gave that example to my son. Now, I have to retract.

Not so fast! Consider the source.

Source is Stanford lecture by Professor Kieth Delvin. Skip to 42 minutes in


My creative process professor this past spring semester at school told us that the golden ratio was created by an intelligence because "it couldn't just happen out of nothing". He had a habit of spewing right-wing BS and creationist BS at us.

What school was this?

@Flyingsaucesir Indiana University in Indianapolis

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