Do you have to analyze everything that you do ? Do you analyze others ?
Having spent most of my life in hospitality, it may be in my nature and experience. I trust my first impressions of an individual and build my information from there. Some think they don't make a good impression because they judge themselves too severely. As for dating, I find that the person will always to their very best on that first date, maybe a couple more dates and then it all, unfortunately, becomes a slippery slope. If some defenses don't come down, over time, I give up. So, yes I am very analytical about pretty much everything and it has served me very well along with a healthy dose of critical thinking.
No... i know the rules. Others.... sometimes i wonder.
Yes I guess I do . I'm guilty. That must just be me . If I don't do it right away I will sooner or later. Is it a bad thing?
It's not a good thing or a bad thing. ?
Not just too! I'm my favorite psychoanalyst and I enjoy the interaction lol!