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This is my new favorite thing. A murder of Halloween eagles.

NoMyGod 5 June 8

Enjoy being online again!

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We used to call turkeys "freezer eagles", but we were old enough to know better so it wasn't that cute.


That is wrong on so many levels to me.
First Crows are not Raptors, which means a Bird of Prey
Crows are Corvus, and one of the MOST intelligent species on the planet.
They teach the next generation.
Second, Hawks, Eagles, Owls are all Raptors and ALL EAT CROWS.
That is like renaming your Cat Dog, or your mouse cat, because you find that term somehow more noble.
Why would you want to be named after what wants to eat you? was a cute thing that a 5 year old said, not my doctoral thesis.

Yea, Dnt, NMG posted in Silly and Random Fun, not a science journal. However, your points are valid. Although, Lions have been known to eat People, and we think "Lion Hearted" is a badge of honor. So maybe Mr. Mouse would like to be called cat hearted, LOL.

Dude don't be such a buzz kill, it's funny!

@NoMyGod And I agree...a creative child makes us all smile! Thanks.

"Why would you want to be named after what wants to eat you?"

Well, if a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?

@NoMyGod Not saying it was. It just did not strike me as Cute, but just wrong.
My visceral response was opposite of yours.

@NoMyGod, @EdEarl Did not notice what category it was in, I have always been fond of Crows myself, so I saw crows and read.
NOR was I trying to kill someones fun, just expressing that it did not strike me as it did you. For me it just raised all those issues.

@Davesnothere I think everyone understood you and realized you didn't see the Silly and Random Fun. We aren't criticizing, just trying to get you to laugh, too.

@EdEarl I shared this with my daughter in law in real life as a notion, and she thought it sounded cool too. I told her all about this and how it just struck me as odd, not correct. We wound up iscussing Shadowhawks and laughing.

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