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What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?

Rufus_Maximus 7 Dec 24

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I don't do anything differently as I do as i please...


I suppose with age comes a certain license to not give a fuck! 🙂 I am already doing something different. I am more open about being gay than I was for many, many years. And it's great. The thing about coming out as gay is you're never done. There are countless new people to come out to, and not every situation is appropriate or worth the effort. I don't need to walk around everything I go, wearing a placard that announces my personal issues to everyone anymore than hetero people feel the need to do that. However, now, unlike for many years in the past, at the first sign that someone is assuming I'm straight, I no longer hesitate to set them (ehem!) "straight."

MrLizard, good point. Our sexuality is certainly more complex than simple labels, and some people are still asshole (and not is a good way, no!--as they say on Will&Grace)


I don't think I'd do anything that I'm not doing now. I'm not terribly obsessed with what people think of me.


Nothing. I don't care if people judge me. That's on them.


I'd probably start taking sledgehammers to church doors in winter so that the homeless could shelter in them.


I would be a hit clown....I would go around nailing proven lying politicians with a pie in the face! And when they try to arrest me, I would produce my 'get out of jail' free card, cuz I don't get judged!

@MsOliver A hit clown with my first hit list! EXCELLENT!!! Now, how do I go about the 'don't get arrested' part...hehe....getting close!


Not a fucking thing...nobody pays my bills what I want when I want...


Exactly what I already do. I live by a code of honor. Which includes integrity.


Nothing. I care not for the approval or otherwise of others. And it feels soooooo good.


Well, since I don't care about people's opinions...I guess I would do exactly what I do every day: Treat others as I see fit.


I don't care what people think


I wouldn't do anything differently -at my age, I am comfortable in my own skin and I really don't care what other people think.


Nothing comes to mind. I already live my life not really caring if people do judge me.


Have longer

Fuck 'em. I do what I want.

@Duke i hear brother!


I would be more open about my atheism. The work I do involves customers who wouldn't like dealing with me, if they knew my thoughts about some of the things they say.


I would be a famous chef. No matter what I cook you'd like it and if not I wouldn't hear of it.

SamL Level 7 Dec 24, 2017

Just go all Gordon Ramsey on their ass.


Nobody judges me because i will not let them! Simple as that.


I would take a really big plate or better yet a bucket to "all you can eat" restaurants.

Dav87 Level 6 Dec 24, 2017

Judge me or fire me? I work in disability claims and sometimes I want to ask "what in the H**L were you thinking? Other than keeping my job I don't give a dang what people are thinking. If someone doesn't like me, oh well. My well of give a darn has run dry.


My attitude toward arrogant ignorance would multiply by 10 fold. The "nice" responses would dissipate quickly.


I might be more open about being an atheist, although I have told most of my friends and some neighbors. My brother and sister-in-law have no problem with it, and I think a few other family members know and don't disapprove.


I'd probably spend a lot more time naked... so I's have a lt tless laundry.


little to nothing ...and that's been hard earned..

Varn Level 8 Dec 24, 2017

Ask more people out on a date.


I'd probably answer more truthfully when people ask me about religion. I live in Alabama and have children in the school system in a really small town. I try to avoid the religion topic at all costs, but I allow the average person down here to believe I am a Christian because the cost to my family and their reputation in the community is too high. Once my kid's graduate in a few years, it may be different.


As simple as it would be to say IDGAF, I think that answer is a bit disingenuous. We all care about something or somebody. What a boring life it would be if we didn't. And because we care, there are things we stand to lose. I think that is the core of what keeps our filters up.

I do a lot of unusual things, and I'm open with people about most of it. Being open doesn't stop others from judging me, and I'd be lying to say that it doesn't grate my brain most of the time. I think this is something we all have to deal with. We can choose to put up a wall, or we can look at it from another perspective.

My perspective is that when someone puts down one of my life decisions, they simply don't see how it could work for them. People have this weird tendency to project themselves onto others. In those situations, I try to convey how my decisions make sense for me and make me happy. No use in letting others cramp your style.

Sometimes, people won't let go of a topic, and they continue to be negative. I feel sorry for those types because they obviously grapple with their own life if they need to juxtapose our lifestyles so badly. I find that judgement comes from those who judge themselves most harshly.

It's not always easy, but you gotta keep being you and not react to judgment. If you show the happiness around your true self, you will get some blowback, but you will also get some true friends along the way.

Personally, I usually make the big life decisions without too much concern for judgement, but it's the daily snap-judgments that I have difficulty with. Like speaking clarity into a work meeting rather than let it drone on forever. Or wanting to start a conversation with a total stranger more often.

forgo Level 4 Dec 24, 2017
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