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I always find it funny what people assume of you based on what you wear, especially religious people. I have a lot of shirts for rock/metal bands, from bands like Slipknot, Trivium, Arch Enemy, etc.. to gamer shirts, or TV show shirts for anime.
I always find it funny how someone will use my shirts as an opener to try & preach to me how "God /Jesus loves you" then tell me I need to "turn away" from my music and shows that glorify the devil or whatever.
I've been approached so many times especially over a couple shirts in specific, being Slipknot, Arch Enemy, Rick & Morty, and Naruto. Regardless of what I say, it ends up being their mindset is either:
The Music bands are satanic
The T.V. shows/anime are immoral
The video games are glorifying false gods and/or realities

What's amusing though, is that now days when I encounter this, I ask for specific examples to their claim, and at best i get a blanketed "because God says its bad" response. So.. I'll pull my phone out and open up a YouTube video and show them what or who they're talking about. For example..

One guy gave me grief because my Slipknot shirt had their circle of nine logo on it. His claim was that it was a pentagram hidden in it, which made no sense... how one gets a pentagram from nine points I dunno. I then popped up YouTube and played the song "snuff" for him... and after about 30 seconds of it i asked how its satanic. No response of course. I had more i said but basically it was me giving song examples of metaphoric interpretation, which he just kept saying "it's the devil!" Type responses... sadly this happens to be the de-facto sequence of how the dialogues go.

I guess some people are so rooted in their mindset they can't be bothered to admit they may have misjudged.

KainGray 5 June 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Don't engage with the nuts. Just ignore them and walk away.


Long ago I used to own a bunch of Christian-themed t-shirts. I loved wearing them when I went out to see shows. I'd be swilling Shiner Bock and rockin' to whatever band, playing pool, and wearing some sort of Jesus shirt. I don't know why I got such a kick out of doing that.


The words 'slip knot' and 'snuff' says it all.

Is this being celebrated? Is it cool?

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