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"Folks, we have a winner ! "

evergreen 8 June 8

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Where his comment on the world is flat because we don't fall off of it.


Better stay away from Dodge Rams too. Just to be safe.

Duke Level 8 June 9, 2018

Best avoid the LA Rams and the St Louis Saints as well because the fleur-de-lis has matching swirly things as well! Can't be to careful with this satanic stuff. 🙂


Lol. This guy is smart enough to be on Trump's staff.


And the penis can be satan as a serpent? Fucking itself? I mean really? Smh. People.


I think he's more of a wiener than a winner!


So when someone claims I am a bitch I can just hold up the diagram?

or the diaphragm


Let's hope this means that man will never reproduce.

Deb57 Level 8 June 8, 2018

WTF??!! Is this for real.


There simply are no words that can convey how utterly gullible some people are - they believe crap like this because they hear it over and over and over again - and yet - never question its authenticity. The epitome of intellectual laziness...


Therapy! You need therapy if you believe such crap. More women hating, twisted, made up symbols to blame imaginary demons on the shapes of someone's internal organs? Adjust your meds a bit to the left. Your brain is toasted.


I am always amazed that people take some artist's depiction of invisible and unknowable creatures as what they actually look like as if it is a photograph.


And to think that Jesus, the son of god, was born this way too, therefore (according to this), he is evil. Yikes.


Uuummm. Wow! With logic like that we are doomed.

@McVinegar true but he did get 22 likes when the screen shot was taken. A sample of 23 is a little better but still not statistically significant as a whole for the country - I agree.

@McVinegar I am glad 🙂 the whole meme is a bit out there.


You have got to be kidding me!!!

My thought exactly.


Spoilers for Rosemary's Baby


So he loves the cock ?


But sex feels sooooo good.


Just need that old ,,,,,,,, b ,,, rapper music in the background, this guy needs to stop wanking himself off every time he sees a goat


er.... so god created "eve" with that evil, satanic reproductive system? Or did it somehow just sprout inside her when she got booted out of the garden? (as long as we're in fairy tale land, I gotta know)

Fins Level 4 June 8, 2018

----and the bump on the log that looks like a frog, is going to become a frog I suppose......Oh wait I remember learning about that in DEBUNKING SPONTANEOUS GENERATION 101, or shall we abandon all logic and compare the penis to a snake?


Yikes! It's these very same views (and others like it) that caused me to grow up hating my body and I was very confused by my sexual nature. Just some of the many reasons I fled religion. I still struggle with this backward thinking in my life because my whole family is crazy religious.


But seriously, who's man's is this!?

Pretty sure he's single.

@AdorkableMe lol

@AdorkableMe Or gay, since women are evil and all.


i thought he was joking


All this time I thought sex was good; just don't get caught.


Really? LMAO, this is some real amazing BS. Not to even get into the hypocrisy. Talk about jumping on the crazy train with both feet. Wow.


Man !!! This Being isn't having any fun! Some people know that two people can have three times as much fun as one..(😮r MORE🙂

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