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I hate suicide. I especially hate celebrity suicides.
There's obviously a huge mental illness problem in this country. Many states suicide rates have jumped up 30% this century.
The reasons that celebrity suicides scare the hell out of me:

  1. They are happening more frequently.
  2. What about the "normal" people going through hell and see these rich, famous and talented people give up? I don't have the data to back it, but I'm sure there are spikes in suicides in times like these.
  3. Their kids. Being the kid of a celebrity can't be easy in the first place. Going through that, puberty, the publicity that the suicide and funeral will generate.....
    I'm going to stop at 3.
    Author's note: I struggle with anger management and depression. I have repressed memories about to come to light and I have been emotionally unavailable my whole life. My thoughts on this come from a person who understands a thing or two about struggles.
onthefire 7 June 8

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37 comments (26 - 37)

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Celebrity suicides don't faze me. Meh. All that money and people around them and they didn't ask for help? Then they really wanted to go. So, whatever. Their choice.

I am, however, generally surprised at which ones do it.

If you told me that Harvey Weinstein and Roseanne Barr committed suicide last week instead of A.B. and Kate Spade, I would probably nod and say "well, that makes sense".

But, ultimately, we can't make sense of any of it because we didn't live inside their heads.

Don't worry too much about their are super resilient and these kids were left enough money to have good shrinks. Millions and millions of kids have survived far worse without the resources to cope.

Those two you mention are the type that would never commit suicide. Because they have such a warped view of reality and are so entitled. Highly intelligent people and empathic people, like myself, much more likely, because I have enough knowledge and experience of the world to realize how unlikely it is that my situation will change much, due to unfortunate circumstances beyond my control. Poor health, poverty, lack of family support, I do all I can to change my life for the better, but we live in an unfair world, and thems the breaks. This is why I am an atheist. So sick of people and their magical thinking, assuaging themselves, when faced with suffering greater than their own, they fall back upon "spiritual" beliefs to cope with being lucky. Not to say hard work doesn't matter, and some do work hard to have a better life than others, but some people have no chance due to having so many obstacles. But these celebrities, that is not the case. Theirs, I believe, must be at least partly caused by disturbed brain function, due, I believe, to environmental factors and stress.

@IrishGypsy I sure wouldn't call A.B. "empathetic" by any stretch of the imagination. He was all about animal cruelty and not giving a damn about the non-human Earthlings with whom we share the planet. Maybe his conscience finally caught up with him and he was in horror at the callous disregard he's had for life in pursuit of paychecks and ratings. He's definitely a poster boy for "disturbed brain function", though.

@SkotlandSkye what complete crap! Lol!

As a vegan or something you are also "all about the animal cruelty", you just take no notice of the ones youre offing by the bucketful. Preachy nitwit

@rafferty They make creams for your butthurt. Get yourself some. And do something about the crack habit.

@SkotlandSkye im sorry to be "butthurt" about another person killing themself, o font of compassion, lol. Be sure and get some more zingers in there about it. Seems legit, and not like youve gone overboard with your fad diet and nut cheese. Let me know when you do something about whale sharks first, then we can move onto people-made livestock robots that you turn into pets. You can of course afford you vogon lifestyle


I think a key, actually the key, driver is the economic system we live in. It breaks down the social fabric, and exacerbates issues that might not otherwise manifest. Marx was not some crazy commie, he was the leading philosopher of capitalism. He spoke of alienation of the worker and what it would cause. He was right. This is one aspect of it.


Any news about why Bourdain quit?

We know that Robin Williams was suffering from parkinsons. Reasonable for him to leave here and now. I hope i have the courage to do so.

To be fair, I have my own exit strategy if it comes to it. I'm just tired of losing damn good people when they could have been helped.

His girlfriend made a cryptic post on twitter about him being triggered. She deleted it but it's floating around, screen capped.

There are comments in his history that give one pause, in hindsight. I think he knew he was fragile... the fact he checked out around a big project, which I"m not sure was completed, is another tell.
I'm really beginning to subscribe to this overload of cortisol theory. There need to be new treatments that consider this angle. Maybe it would render obsolete many SSRIs etc that have horrible side effects. E.g. like being dead from the waist down when young(or ANY age-ask me how I know!) from taking them! Great choice there! Oh, well you won't want to die so much, but you can't get into next gear intimately either! What a choice!


Many of the pharmaceutical drugs state that suicidal thoughts and/or actions may be associated. We have a drug store/dealer on every other corner. What is the question?


My first suicidal ideation was at eight years old. I've thought about it hundreds of times. Do you think that's selfish?

No. I hope you always keep control over it.

I don’t think it’s selfish, or about selfishness; it’s about being in the deepest, darkest pain and despair. Nobody has the right to determine how much another suffers, not how long they should. Emotional blackmail of calling us selfish: wrong.


Suicide, like many other things available to us in life is a choice. Listing it as a mental illness only promotes that life is too precious and that we should live as long as god? ... intended? ...and suffer the worst pain on the planet in reverence and belief that there's somewhere better to go.I have never cared much for society and what they think of me nor do I attempt to follow or reach for their protocols. I can't change the world and it can't change me. I'm good with that. What's to say that people who commit suicide aren't attempting to see if that mythical place exists? I wake up daily and wonder why my eyes opened. The day is presented to me and I deal with it accordingly. I will do what's necessary when the time comes as it is my right and my choice. What I wish for is a place where people can go when they feel that way that won't shame them and give them the mercy they desire. A place where rational decisions are accepted. I've hung out with a few celebrities and can vouch that away from the public they strive to be "normal" people. Some religions used to require a sacrifice of a life. What's wrong with self sacrifice?

But suicide usually is not a "sacrifice," at least not as I understand that term. If you leap in front of a car or a bullet to protect someone else, that's at least understandable. Taking your own life to avoid a lingering illness, that I understand also. But leaving when there are children depending on you? Kids young enough that they can't yet understand what has happened as being totally separate from them? THAT'S the situation where I feel the parent has the obligation to seek out treatment to the greatest extent possible. Even it is very painful to do so. When you have children, you are (or you should be) indicating your willingness to care for them and to protect them. I think that's an obligation that should be fulfilled until the child is close to adulthood.

@citronella If you are troubled, staying around for the sake of the children only creates troubled children. Seek care for the children so that they can grow in a different, less troubling environment because when it comes to matters like this most don't care about the consequences and feel that what they're doing is best overall. You're giving them credit for being rational when leaving the planet is what's rational to them.

Well said. I couildn’t agree more.

@citronella While I agree that one’s responsibility to children is of major concern it is not what many are thinking of at a place of such despair. I don’t judge them for their callousness as illness also removes parents from their children. So does incarceration and we have some control over that but don’t exercise it. Such children often grow up to make spectacular adults.

@rainmanjr Illness is involuntary; suicide is chosen.


I cannot see any difference between celebrity suicides than anyone else. No matter where you come from you can still hurt. I am not sure about them happening more frequently either, perhaps because the media is so much more available to us now we hear about it more. Yes it is very sad for all the people who are left behind, especially the immediate family.


On more than one occasion, Ive seen memes from Alt right, conservative or 'red' folks, talking about 'driving people to suicide' nd so forth.

Have also been researching about these 'black pill incel' people.

There sure are lots of people seemingly focused quite a bit on death, suicides, serial killers, whos the worse mass murderer, sacrificing... 'mmm..more peanut butter resources for me!'


I was diagnosed with Depression over 25 years ago. No treatment, I gave science and medical stablishment a Big Fuck You. I am not saying I am cured but I am saying that I feel a lot better today, right now and in more control of my faculties than if I would had allowed them to medicate me and pill me for the last quarter century. It is always your choice of weapons. I am my own island, less depending on religion, medicine or science. I created my own tools, my own prescription tailored for me. Not every human can. Just like every human is not 7 foot tall or likes chocolate


I hate it too, when it was something fixable, it is a colossal waste of a PERSON. If its someone in late stage cancer, or whatever, in agony, its time to go, ill help. Be glad to.

With celebs, we see it as they are up front in our culture, we build them up in popularity, then they fall. And we ENJOY that fall. Brian Keith, from 'Family Affair' is listed as a celebrity suicide, for example, but the truth was, he had painful, terminal, cancer. Hunter Thompson similar. Noting how these people die is all important in public perception, as we are a bunch of ghouls that love this shit.

I think everyone has some percentage of 'mental illness'. There are specific conditions, sure, but everyone is a touch 'eccentric'.

The normal people going thru hell as you say, is the 30% increase. living now even with more people in the world, is impersonal, isolating. on top of being hard to survive despite being advanced.


We all have problems, but people with a sense of responsibility think about their family and friends, not just about themselves.

OH geez. Do you expect someone with say a terminally painful illness to stick around for you too? Or is it just because you can't see the pain it's not there. Out of sight out of mind...

When you have severe depression, your brain convinces you of things that aren't true. It convinces you that you are dragging people down and that the people you love would be better off without you. There are many very empathiv responsible people that have committed suicide. I suppose you can choose to believe that those are selfish people that only thing of themselves, but I think you are wrong about that. Depression is a disease as much as diabetes or high blood pressure are. Severely depressed people are very sick and struggling every day to stay alive.

I know (clearly) you don't understand it but your level of ignorance to this is part of the problem Doug.. When people who haven't experienced suicidal thoughts or feelings learn not to judge others for feeling that way we will have a chance of helping people.

How is it possible the person ending their life is selfish? Is it not the community around them that should be more ashamed for not noticing or supporting them ?

my comment above is NOT this comment, lol. You don't roll up on someone with mdd and say 'oh, stop being selfish!' and then get them to straighten up, lol. cmon!

Or, like a woman with untreated PMDD has a 30?40? chance of offing herself. The key is to be aware of wtf is going on and to get on a care plan that works. i also recommend 'kindness in all things'

@rafferty It's good to see you believe in 'kindness in all things'. It shines through in all your comments.

@rafferty A lot of people don't say anything about their plan to do it, so no one knows. That was me last year, so it would be hard to reach out to someone to help. I ended up quitting my job that I hated because it was the main reason of my depression and have moved on obviously.

What about the negative effects of said suicidal person has on the family? What if the family is the reason? So selfish though?

@Qualia I have suffered from depression my whole life. Save your BS for someone else.

@Qualia, @Nickbeee Apparently you all suffer from being part of the "me" generation.

My first suicidal ideation started at eight years old. I’ve had hundreds since. I thought about my friends and family, but the pain was too much to bear. I finally got on the right meds after twenty years of trying. I speak up to my husband and family now. It still does not destroy the intense, painful, and self-flaggelation this disease brings. Oh, and one more thing, Fuck guns!

@Heidiwho2212 Apparently thinking about your friends and family helped because you are still with us.

@doug6352 Doug ~newsflash~! You don't have the patent on depression!
For someone who professes to have depression your selfish comment is out of line! Period.

@brentan sorry, if you feel i should take crap from misanthropes

@doug6352 And apparently you suffer from being an apathetic, offensive jerk.

@Presley1209 a care plan is a plan for recovery and management. I do not mean a plan to do it.

@AdorkableMe I'm definitely not apathetic! LOL It is very irresponsible behavior to bring a child into the world and then evade your responsibility to the child by killing yourself. No amount or severity of insults will change my mind about that,

@rafferty Sorry if I misunderstood. ?


Thank you for your support and wonderful insights. I'm on the right meds and see a psychiatrist on a regular basis. I'm a recovering Pentacostal, and still am working on the trauma I experienced there. I still get suicidal, but now reach out to family. its work, but I fight on. Remember, Jesus loves you! Ha!

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