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If Christianity falls at the first hurdle, does not the whole idea of religion, not fall down?

I have been giving this alot of thought and It has come to a few issues that I am contending with.
The more I look at the beginnings of Christianity, the more it does not add up.
First the birth of Jesus, where Joseph & Mary make the trip to Bethlehem, to conveniently get Mary out of Nazareth, as an un-married mother to avoid the ritual stoning that such an offence would bring but we have a so-called census coming to the rescue.
Yet the nearest recorded census in the region took place in 7AD, 4/5 years before the birth of Christ.
Then we have Joseph & Mary leaving Bethlehem (without giving their details in the actual census) to flee to Egypt.
The burning questions however remain. The census, as we are told in the bible forced Joseph to return to his place of birth, yet no such requirement was ever put down by the Romans, as the administrative and logistical organisation (in the age of antiquity) would be immense.
Then throw in the massacre of the innocents, where the 0-2 year olds of Bethlehem were put to the sword, yet their is no evidence of such an occurrence ever having been done. It was also an order from a person, who was actually dead 10 years before the actual event.
Then - as noted - no evidence in the census of both couple and child. Then throw in the flight to Egypt, which was under the direct supervision of the Roman emperor. Even a Roman senator had to ask with written permission to visit Egypt in that time. So how can a couple with child, in a sparsely populated area have slipped through and lived their life, wanted (apparently) by both the Judean and Roman authorities?
Then on the return of Jesus, we get the story of him as a child lecturing Pharisee's and theologians on the Torah, where they marvelled at his knowledge and interpretations of the writings.
When a child shows such talent, would not the Pharisees and religious authorities want to groom him, educate him and plan for him a life in theological and spiritual pursuits? What happened, is that he was whisked away by Dad (well he was - sort of) to embark on a career in the construction industry.
Now, these are all flaws in the very beginning of the biblical story in the New Testament. The times are all over the place and we are expected to believe fanciful notions when the evidence is simply not there.
Which brings a person to the only possible conclusion, that these events did not take place and if so, the New Testament, if it was in a horse race, would literally fall at the first hurdle.
If Christianity falls at its first obvious hurdle, then surely the whole story would come crashing down.
If that was to happen, it would leave the Koran also utterly exposed as the book has a certain reliance on both Judean and Christian influence. Making the book a mockery.

robred19 3 June 9

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Their delusion offers comfort.

How dyu really find comfort in a lie?
The best comfort - if you need it in death, is to hope you can recount the best sex you had, the best book you read, the best music you listened to, the best picture you saw, the best speech you heard and the best moment of your life that you experienced.
Then thank the world for giving you that experience before you go to the earth from whence one came.


It's the afterlife they're looking forward to. Being with loved ones who've died. A blissful existence. Etc..

An afterlife that simply does not exist. Once your dead - you are dead.
Maybe a cosmic snapshot of time exists but once your done, you are done.


Well... You and I both know that.


I also have a hard time with this one:
No fox has ever been known to talk.

skado Level 9 June 9, 2018

What god had to rest after day seven didn't give it away either ?

To be fair - The bible states that a day in God's life is a 1000 years, hence why they believe that the Earth was created 6000 years ago...baloney/shit/dross/idiocy...but where dyu go...Man's existence as a specie is probably 120,000 years - maybe more...

@robred19 not the version I read

@Simon1 That is the account that was given to me fella...but I'm not arguing the toss on what is obvious


You'll NEVER make sense out of collection of nonsensical myths. You can either drop the issue entirely or make yourself nuts.


It is all a fraud...a fable...a fairy tale....

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