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So black people love "God" because they are original, what does that statement mean exactly?

Humanlove 7 June 10

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It means someone’s an idiot. Generalizing of people is bigoted. I’m a NY Italian, you can make assumptions about who I am, how I act and what I believe based on that or you can evolve.


Hmm. Well, I guess that means I'm not original. That's okay. ?


It means that the person making the statement is a lousy communicator at best and an idiot at worst.

I observed that


I find blanket statements attributed to a specific group to be suspect and probably racist in intent.

Not every post should be tagged on racism, I am not a fan of political correctness.

@0752532706 I remember when it was called "common courtesy"....


Hmmm,,, yeah, perhaps some context would be helpful here..


If you believe in god and the bible (in the allegoric sense rather than literal) as well as evolution this is where you end up.

  1. God made man in his image.
  2. The first human species were most definitely black (caucasian is a relatively recent mutation).
  3. Black people bear the greatest resemblance to the original man made my by God.
    and the one that must upset a lot of white religious people but logically follows
  4. God is black (he made man in his image, nothing about changing the colour scheme).

All a lot of hogwash but internally consistent and a great way to stir racist twats.

Kimba Level 7 June 10, 2018

Because they are original? what does that even mean?? is it like OG? they're the original gangstas?


I'm way off the subject Citronella, but your name caught my eye!
There is a tiny gold colored ant that looks translucent. I don't know how far north it's your range extends but I would be surprised if It isn't found in Michigan. They are common in Indiana. They're called Citronella Ants and when you accidentally dig into a nest of them you are likely to catch the fragrance of citronelle. I'm fond of that fragrance but it was several years before it occurred to me to get down on the ground and sniff at those tiny little ants. SURE ENOUGH!! They were the source of the fragrance! And then I understood. Citronella has been used in ages-past as an insect repellent and of course - these tiny ants are using it as well. I don't make the assumption that the ant is actually producing citronelle but they are certainly producing a chemical that smells like citronella!

Shd might be useing that user namd to keep men at bay ??


Who exactly made that statement ?

A black woman I met yesterday.

And she is..........? Reliable, an expert on the subject or just plain ignorant ?

@VAL3941 not sure of her intellectualism?

So didn't you find out hef credentials ?


Is there something you know about what skin color the original humans, 200 KYA - 300 KYA, had?


What do you mean when you say "original"? I think most people, regardless of their color, believe in God because they DON'T want to be original. Most people believe in God because someone has told them that's what they should do. Maybe you need to include a quote or a link to something that more completely explains your question.

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