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Christan Colleges and LGBTQ Students

sassygirl3869 9 June 10

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The title of this article, "Christian Colleges Are Learning to Deal With LGBTQ Issues..." is, from my vantage point, a bit optimistic. Are they being dragged, kicking and screaming and oh so painfully into the 21st century? Apparently some are, ever so grudgingly. But they seem to be among the last dregs of societal institutions holding out against respectful inclusion of LGBT people. Though I admit to a certain morbid fascination with religious hypocrisy, I have lost most of my patience with religious bigots spouting God-babble to justify their hatred and condemnation of me. Are we supposed to celebrate Christianity's belated and haphazard transformation into an institution that "only sometimes" condemns us? Or that Gawd forgives us our "sin" of being queer so we should sing "his" praises? Fuck that shit! (And to anyone offended by that common vernacular, please grow up and realize that very offense has roots in religious convention.) Personally, I hope all Christian Colleges see their enrollments and funding shrivel.


I'm in my 70s and when I was young there seemed to be very few homosexuals. Maybe they were in the closet and I didn't notice them. But today there seems to be very many homosexuals. Is it that they are all out of the closet or is it possible something in the water is skewing people's sexual choices?

I think it is societal. Remember that for long time homosexuality was actually a punishable crime in most states and it was not socially acceptable. Times have changed. It's OK to be gay. It's OK to be gay out in the open.




I for one would never allow my child to attend a christian school, and work like hell to keep my grandkids from point contributing to their brain constipation.

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