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The North Korean Dictator Brought His Own Personal Port O Potty With Him to Singapore. Worried About Someone Getting His DNA
Chris Mathews Hardball 7:49 PM 6/11/2018

sassygirl3869 9 June 11

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And his own food and chef darn it!

Marine Level 8 June 12, 2018

Why would anyone want it?

It could have been flavored more to our likeing with arsonic


To coin the old adage, 'you just can't make this shit up'.


I've been told it's already locked into a predator drone''s targeting system.


He may have a health problem that he wants to keep secret. If we can get his scat we can have it examined by a scatologist and get a complete assessment of his health profile. I read a few years ago that when foreign diplomats come to the US they are housed in apartments where the toilet flushes into a secret tank and not into a sewer. Then the waste is examined.


There are a hundred ways to get it. Swab a drinking glass, swab Trump's hand and eliminate Trumps DNA (please 😉 ), swab a fork he has used,. The only reason for retaining his shit is to avoid revealing his diet.

Petter Level 9 June 11, 2018

Like a vacuum cleaner of the carpet of his hotel room would not accomplish that. Drinking glass a pen money, touching a door knob.

azzow2 Level 9 June 11, 2018

Here's a Fox and Friends video. If you can bear the stupidity for about half a minute, you will hear the most honest thing ever said on that show.

JimG Level 8 June 11, 2018

Smart....don't want to clone him from

I think he's going to clone tRump in there.

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