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I joined the FFRF Freedom From Religion Foundation. From their newsletter it looks like they are the most active group in the country taking action to separate church and state. Does anyone have any other atheist organizations they recommend?

markisimo 4 June 12

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FFRF member here, and love my monthly newsletter from them. I am always happy when I see that they have challenged some ignorant folks down here in Texas who don't understand that they can't push their beliefs onto everyone.


I am a member of FFRF as well. Terrific group of activists!

Recoveringn from Religion Foundation is another group that is working hard to be available to those trying to leave religion. The podcast is a great resource.

The Secular Hub has chapters all over the country, I believe. In my experience, I would define this group more altruistic.


Anerican Atheists and American Humanist Association

Marz Level 7 June 12, 2018

I am Free from religion.... Why do I need a foundation to remind me my condition?

I guess because atheism is under attack from religion.

@Ellatynemouth Not good enough explanation... I guess.


Of course. Atheists are not under attack.

@Ellatynemouth I wouldn't know, I am not hanging out with xtians attacking atheists but here I see plenty of action against religion.... militant atheists, scientific zealots that hate the "independent, I am an island, lone wolf" kind of a fella.

I suppose you don't need organizations like the FFRF. I am happy for you! You've arrived! Some of us have not, including me, or my country.

Each of us are at different places in our journeys. One day i may arrive at your perch.

@Coppersmith1965 needing support is how religion got you.

You are selfish. Atheists have had a long struggle against the tyranny of religion. Some have been thrown in jail.

I'm thinking of the US where many have to conceal their atheism to avoid losing their job. This organisation may protect them.

But you stand by and laugh.

@Ellatynemouth I had been an atheist longer you been on earth, with a sister ordained minister. Never had to hide my lack of devotion. I don't stand by and laugh. But on terms of lack of faith I am self sufficient. I am not suffering of paranoia, nor I believe god, church or religion is trying to get me so I must go out and make war to them. When I dropped god I dropped god. No victim syndrome here. But if you need support and backing to survive xtians.... okay, there are organizations that want you.


Not good enough explanation.

@GipsyOfNewSpain There is a term for the lack of empathy and other traits you're demonstrating, but that's on you.

Humans thrive and survive in a 'social network.' We don't live in a vacuum.

@Coppersmith1965 Creating self sufficient functioning individuals should be mankind goal. Those at the end will be more productive in a collective and greater functioning group. You can go back to whatever you worship now, sure you not alone.

If all you care about is yourself then you don’t need any of these organizations to remind you. Some of us are looking beyond our own person to the political and legal developments that chip away at that freedom.

@markisimo Oh the Freedom of Minding My Own Biz!

@ashley44 You are telling me I can sue Santa Monica Academy and Saint Johns Episcopal for their 7 years of religious bias education in San Juan, Puerto Rico? Because if they are not saying that I need not be part of their pony show, I been taking care of "injustices" against me since 1965. You go ahead and support those you want or need to support.... be as civic as you want to be.

I didn’t create this post for the kind of ignorant provocations you are posting here. You write like someone who hasn’t reached age 12. Please leave the grown-up talk to the adults.


ACLU and the American Humanists are two more groups I like. I'm planning on attending the FFRF convention in San Francisco this November. See you there!

@TheMiddleWay Yes...I'm well aware of that. HOWEVER...they serve and defend atheists all the time and are worth your attention and support.


Andrew L. Seidel, and the FFRF, are truly inspiring. The work they do is
invaluable. The ACLU is another important group.

@TheMiddleWay That's true, but they still support the rights of all Americans.


I tend to donate to FFRF, the ACLU, and the Satanic Temple. All of them do incredible work, in different ways.


FFRF may have a local chapter in your area. I would look into local secular groups. Like this web site, they help Atheists by creating a community of like-minded people who meet socially. If activism is your goal, others have mentioned several groups you can investigate.


Americans United is not a atheist organization but is a big supporter of Church State separation.


Atheism is a human right.


Center for Inquiry is another great group. They're actively involved in many issues. []

This is a fantastic organization.

Thanks for mentioning this. I had been thinking of joining FRF but wanted a broader human rights approach. This may just be it.

@Emerald I'm a member and FFRF keeps us updated via email, website, facebook, TV show and a newspaper. My small contribution is important to me because I can remind myself that I am doing something to protect our rights.

thumbs up []


American Humanists Association. There are chapters all over the US and a really good group of people.


The Satanic Temple has been quite effective at having religion removed from public places it doesn't belong. FFRF is a great organization that takes well reasoned legal action. The Satanists scare the crap out of people and cause a quick knee jerk reaction, and sometimes that is what's needed.

Perhaps I need to contact them to see if they can do anything about the bible pushers who are allowed to sit out in front of the County Clerks office here in Richmond, Texas. Went there today to register a vehicle and there she was with all her BS information on her bible stories. She told me to have a nice day and god bless. I told her she shouldn't be out in front of a government building pushing her myths, and that there is no god to bless me or anyone else. Perhaps since the brain trusts here in Texas think it's ok for her to be there, that the Satanic Temple folks should probably be there as well to hopefully scare the bible pushers away.


American Civil Liberties Union! Biggest & by far the most experienced

@TheMiddleWay But has presented & defended more cases about religious freedom, free speech, etc etc etc. for a really long time, for free, supported by donations only.

The ACLU IS an atheist organization. It says so right in their charter. Read it for yourself at

@markisimo Thanks for adding that!

@TheMiddleWay The most representations, by far, in courts across the country, supporting /upholding free speech, freedom from religion, equal rights before the law for all. What more do you need. Prefer non-success, do ya?

@TheMiddleWay I just stated the ACLU was the most successful org. ever in defending freedom, why this tone in your post....freedom to do as one wishes is freedom for all!

@TheMiddleWay Wow do you need a civics lesson! Diminish one groups' or individuals' freedom increases the likelihood Everyone's freedoms can be diminished. The Founding Fathers understood that.......catch up, maybe?

@TheMiddleWay I give are as intractable as every drumpy supporter. I guess we just select Your idea of who gets to express themselves " freely" from now on. ALL your cited cases have one thing in common, the person or group was being forced to act in away someone else wanted, and the ACLU stepped in, gratis, to stop that....but you go right ahead and bash them.........

Your brief, practically irrelevant and repetitive post was creepy, so I couldn’t resist FUCKING with you just a little bit. You took the bait!
Next time I post a question give us an answer and add something to the topic!


First, and foremost, WELCOME! I don't know of any other forums. Maybe I can Recommend a podcast? Chairrots of Iron is a good one. The Great Athiest is another.


The satanic temple is awesome


Openly secular is good, but not sure how much public advocacy they do though.


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