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Just got home from seeing/hearing Roger Daltrey, the current iteration of the Who, and the Wolftrap Orchestra play Tommy from A to Z. A fantastic concert!!!

ssteiner9 5 June 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Jealous, big Tommy fan. Have all versions I think, except one from Australia about 72/73.


I saw The Who in 82.... is Birmingham of all places.. Alabama.... glad you enjoyed it.

@Akfishlady dang that sounds good... Red Rockets band or something they were lame.


We will likely see Rog out here in LA
How was his voice ?
Glad you enjoyed the show!

Outstanding voice for a 74 yo bloke.


Cool, I like The Who.


My good friend tells me we went to see the Who in 1978ish, I swear I don't remember ever seeing the Who.... she said I liked it. lol

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