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Let's pretend we're wrong and a supernatural diety shows up on earth!
What three questions would you ask this being?

RoadGoddess 7 June 13

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81 comments (51 - 75)

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Oh I would say my peace.... You knowingly let us be wrong and now your coming to mock us???? I knew you were a perverse despicable piece of work but this...THIS !!!!!! (And then by the grace of this lovely and caring diety I would be reduced to ashes in the most spectacular and terrifying lighting ever seen)...end of the story. ???


Do you look away when people go to the bathroom?

Why do you help people find their car keys but ignore people that can't find their children?

Since water is so important, how come you made almost all the water on earth undrinkable? That's fucked up dude...


What’s your source of nutrition? What’s your method of propulsion? Can you describe where you’re from?

Varn Level 8 June 13, 2018

Dog dammit … I thought we were talking extraterrestrials … guess that’s how I get after one beer 😕

With regard to a ‘deity,’ I’ll defer to any of the better comments 🙂


How many living have you killed? How many dead have you killed? Why?

(Sorry if I've offended anyone with the "Walking Dead" reference.)


Why do you permit innocent children to die slow agonising deaths from bone cancer?
Why does evil go unpunished?
Why have you abandoned the world?

One more question..why don't you go back to whence you came? You're not welcome.


If you are willing to prevent evil, but not able, then would you agree you are not omnipotent?
Are you are able, but not willing to prevent evil, Then would you agree you are not malevolent.
If you are neither able nor willing to prevent evil, Then why should I call you God?


I suspect that if whatever God finally shows up, they'll have a few questions for us.
In the grand scheme of Eternity, we haven't been around all that long, and to Whatever-God, he may have only been gone for a moment. Perhaps Whatever-God had to tend to things on "Centaurus A" for a while. Like a busy parent tending to another child, starting up or checking on life some place else. Or even just a little holiday in the Andromeda Galaxy.
Whatever-God, upon returning, might ask us... What the Hell??!
And then give us the lecture... I turn my back for One Second (or millennium) and you destroy the place?!? Well, don't expect Me to clean up Your mess!
Maybe Whatever-God has already returned, saw the mess and said "To hell with the lot of ya!"

scurry Level 9 June 21, 2018

From a previous incarnation of this question: Why here? Why now? Are you feeling slright?

t1nick Level 8 June 20, 2018

1.How can you prove to me you are without flaw and are all powerful? 2. Where were you when so much evil in the world is going down? 3. Can you prove you are all mighty by curing all my physical ailments starting with Diabetese I was born with . 4. Can you stop a Black hole in space from swallowing a planet that's only 1 AU away? Can you allow me to see that as you do it? Without it killing or hurting me? 5. Can you allow me to be in a Hypernova and see Gold turn into Oxygen as I watch and can you slow time to 1/1000 of normal time to watch the result? Just a few simple things for a super being

Drew69 Level 7 June 20, 2018

Do you actually talk to those asshole preachers who claim you do. Why starvation and poverty is allowed.


Why is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything else, 42?

Can you make a rock heavy enough that you can't lift it?

why turbulence?

Lukian Level 8 June 15, 2018

Are you special

Qiru Level 6 June 14, 2018

What other supernatural beings exist?

Natural selection, bit of a harsh way for an omnipotent being to hone and diversify its beloved creation don’t you think?

So I still need a working brain in order to think and to experience right? Once I’m brain dead it’s still over.


Ehh, what's up, Doc?
I bet you thought this was real funny, didn't you?
What time is it where you come from?


Can you just do the Earth a solid and get rid of us? (Then I wouldn't need the next two questions, assuming this god grants the first).


Which (if any) of the religious texts throughout the world accurately portray your personality and motivations for your actions?

Why has it chosen to relay its message through dead languages and with faith (which has been proven to be unreliable in accurately determining the actual state of truth within the universe)?

If the stories of you creating existence are true, what's the purpose behind this whole thing?


What about childhood cancer? Aren't you just a dick? Why should I praise you?


Is there a point to our existence?
What happens when we die?
Which holy book did you give humans? Is so why? If not why not?


Why did you show up now?
When are we going to become extinct?
What other planet(s) are you going to screw up?


What is the purpose of existence? Do you want to go for a drink? Where did I leave my keys?


I would tell it to go back to the imaginary place it came from.

  1. Why did you make humans so stupid?
  2. What happened to all the other gods?
    3)Why did you let these fools worship you?
azzow2 Level 9 June 13, 2018

I just sing up and am thrilled to find such kindred souls. I love these answers.

  1. Do you answer questions?
  2. What's the best one you were ever asked?
  3. What will happen if you alleviate time?

it would entirely depend on the nature of the deity. the questions I'd ask Ishtar are totally different than what I'd ask Kishijoten.


I will Pretend to go back to Sleep, no question asked.

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