Does Christianity still need Jesus? Does the religion fall away if the central character is removed, but the philosophy is retained? (a bit post-modern I know but, whatever!)
Need, or want ? They only need to face reality and that it is a fairy tale. They want a Jesus figure to be believed as real for promotional and marketing purposes.
They still need Jesus so they can point to someone who " suffered for everyone's sins" , one of the central doctrines of their faith. As far as following what he said... Well, they love to cherry pick the verses they like and disregard others. Actually, they seem to follow Paul more. I remember going to services... "Paul this and Paul that... " yeah... They pretty much follow him. That is why it is Paulinian Christianity. I now sleep in on Sunday's. ?
Well. You can airbrush Christ out of the Bible and keep the bits you like. But then it wouldn't be Christianity, would it.
This isn’t necessarily true. Christianity refers to followers of christ, the annointend one as indicated in the Old Testament, that book didn’t specifically refer to the person identified as Jesus. If christians decided that the person they accept as their christ is someone else instead of Jesus, it would still be christianity, just with a different person. The person that they identify with as Jesus has been their “christ” supposedly 2000 years or so, I doubt they’ll change their minds now but if that were to happen, as long as they identify that person as christ, it would still be chririanity. AND I’d still think it was a load of crap regardless.
@OtherPatrick Yes. This. "Christ" is a title, not a name, though most Christians at large think it is part of the name of the one they worship.
Christianity hasn't been tied to Jesus for a really long time now. In fact, if Jesus were to come back preaching his own gospel, Christian's would only crucify him again, for being Liberal/Socialist/Commi/Pinko/Immigrant/Anchor Baby.
That is exactly the point I was aiming at with this post Thanks
The philosophy and the central figure are a chicken and egg problem. A person can be attracted to either and migrate to both. If we look at modern want-to-be religions (cults) people come for either. If the central figure is discredited, the religion and the group union falls apart but the survivors may still subscribe to the philosophy. The feeling survives when the Kool Aid stops flowing.