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My walk this morning.

Pook 5 June 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Nice way to start & finish the day. I need more beach time.


The best view of a beach I've ever had was in North Carolina. Though it's not the typical view that most people like I guess. I was there when there was a storm. It was just beautiful in a dark way. No sun was shining, the waves were crazy, the sounds were soothing, and the suds were strewn across the entire beach near the sand. It was more peaceful than one would think. It was beautiful to me.



Lovely <3


Beautiful! Lucky you!

I am fortunate to be here.


Lucky you.


The only time l have ever enjoyed being up at sunrise was walking along the beach. Beautiful!


That’s fantastic! I love walks on the beach. Wish I was a bit closer to one...


Very nice, I was by a pond.


Nice view...

Lukian Level 8 June 18, 2018

When I see a pic of footsteps on a sandy beach, it reminds me of the xtians story about a person speaking to jeebus while walking on the beach and noticing there's is only one set of footprints and jeebus saying I am with you. There's only on set of footprints because I carry you. WELL FML, LOOKS LIKE YOUR WEARING THE SAME SANDALS AS I AM THERE JEEBUS!

Lukian Level 8 June 18, 2018



Why didn't you run ?

Recovering from back fracture. Today I walked/jogged for the 1st time. Used to be a lsd runner.

So you only ran if you indulged in LSD ?

@VAL3941 lsd=long, slow, distance.

Yeah, thats what you tell me ? LOL

@VAL3941 lol those days are gone. Was a street urchin in Boston in 60's. Found bags of blotter acid. 300 hits 1 summer...

Didn't seem to do you any harm thou ?

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