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I made a group for us Halloween lovers. It's never too early to start planning your next creepy gig.
"I Love Halloween!" Group

CaroleKay 8 June 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Trump in a couple of years?


Perhaps Universal Studios for the occasion. ?


Drump in 30 years..

Lol!! If praying worked, I would pray for sooner. 😀

1 favorite Holiday


We once cooked halloweenies... hot dogs with cheese sticks stuffed through them.

godef Level 7 June 18, 2018

Halloween was always my favorite time of the year. My best friend and I would plan, desighn some great costumes and go from Halloween party to Halloween party, and where I live that's a pretty big thing. But when my friend died I've found it hard to do that again. But who knows maybe in time I might find it fun again, and get back into the spirit of things.

I sure hope so, sounds like good times. ♥

@CaroleKay Thank you, yes it was a a great time, we used to get together and come up with the craziest costumes. I really miss that.

Sorry for your loss. Xoxo. ♥ @TristanNuvo

@CaroleKay Thank you for your comment, it means a lot to me.

Maybe this will inspire you to start again, a few years back I went as Django Reinhardt in black and white


I used to love Halloween. In the 70's my brother and l threw a party that the Austin paper covered and a couple of years later did all the make-up for the CofC haunted house, but it seems just like Xmas they have taken alot of the fun out of it. I think l sent you a msg once about my admiration for your work ( l couldn't receive at the time, that got fixed ). I would bet your Halloween is spectacular. ?

That sounds fascinating! Yes, Halloween has gotten huge commercially, but I still love it more than Xmas. Messages are weird, I only see a handful of the most current messages. That's why I quit being a greeter, my messages were buried and I can't seem to retrieve anything that's not on the first page. Is that normal? It's like all messages are forever lost after a week. Well, you are welcome to message me again, seems we have lots in common and I'd love to hear from you. Yes and Halloween is pretty fun around here, I'll post pics. ♥ Thanks!

@CaroleKay I would like to do that. Becuase l couldn't get into my msgs until recently l'm not sure how that works. Maybe if you have some msgs that are not running conversations you can delete them and the early ones will move up the food chain. He'll, l don't know. The only thing l have liked about Xmas for decades is the lights, and people around here don't do that much anymore. ☺


Not a halloween lover but I remember dressing up as a priest with a smiling face mask and everything under my velcro priest garment there I was dressed in black including my vampire cape. Under the mask my vampire face... When the time came for the voting of the best dressed costume... I will request my date to remove the cross in my chest. And out of sudden the real costume was revealed. I also once dressed like "Flash Dracula"... yep other than my painted face and my cape... A tea bag. My now ex wife was my minion Reinfield. Those were the days!!!! Large T-Bag I may add.


Its a celebration for birthday! Party on!

That's awesome! 😀


I love buying all the spooky stuff as my Halloween lasts all year.


Nice skeleton pose. It'll could scare some kids.

EdEarl Level 8 June 18, 2018

Thank you, I made that, he had a tub of beer in front of him, also, I tried to make him so he could hold beers, lol!

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