Is everyone else here as appalled as I am at what is going on at our southern border? The new Trump administration policy resulting in small children being separated from their parents is a grotesque violation of human rights and needs to be stopped. Almost as troubling are the blatant lies coming from the President and his administration. What have we become?
Well I have written my Senator Ron Johnson asking this very question. Is this the new GOP? Repeating the history of ripping children from the arms of their mothers. The Navajo, the Japanese, the African. The anguish of those little babies crying out for mommy, papi. Shame . Shame on you. Shame on you Donald Trump. & on all of you supposed Americans supporting this inhuman action.
I am extremely upset that Stephen Miller Neo-Nazi and Steve Bannon (Ne-Nazi) have encouraged our POS POTUS to keep people from shithole countries from entering the US. They are all NAZIS who should be deported. Germany all over again. White trash running this country, destroying this country.